Tuesday 29 May 2007

Tuesday's Take

Well let's see if the ratings go up for the blog like they do on TV when they do a to be continued. To continue where I left off yesterday....In all honesty, I believe the only way it will happen for me(short of church blogging - cause it is easy to talk about God on here), is to....
1. Spend time with God.
2. Read the Bible.
3. Pray
4. Spend more time with God
5. Do

Don't worry about the other person, in the sense of "What about them, they are not doing this or doing that." They are not my problem. I can only do what I can do and what God gives me strength to do. I don't want to preach at or to you in what I am saying, I am directing these comments to me, if they are helpful to you, go right ahead and use those things that are helpful. If you have things that may be helpful to me, I would love to hear them from you. Even as our "small group blog" has evolved over the past month, we have had some great discussions, some very good pot stirring (some fun and some with spiritual meaning) and I think I have made some very good friends. That to me is so bonus, especially because of the few that I have. I've have been in small groups before (NO REALLY) and I lived to tell about it. I think that what we have here (even though it has mostly been online) has been to me, pretty incredible. I was saying to Marlene today, that if I did not start blogging I would not have the friendship I have with Su-ann, or Amanda and Bob. I had the friendship of Melly and Deb, but i think that it can be even more than it is. To me, meeting people by blogging is a whole new way of making friends. Who is to say that if we all met, say at church (sorry Su-ann), that we would hit it off as well as we have at this time. We may have gotten friendly with some and not others. I think because some are just more open online than in person. Almost like this is how I would be, if we had been friends for a long time. That's Tuesday's take, what's yours.


Anonymous said...

I think we also need to remember telling people about Christ isn't always a verbal interaction. We can also be telling them about Christ by our actions, and reactions. Although, I have to be careful because I can also use that as a cop out and not follow through with the words. I need to crab hold of the strength that God has promised me and be bold! I also have to start building relationships outside the Christian circle. That can be hard for me since my life is rather sheltered for the most part and most of my activities are inside the Christian circle, but that is probably just an excuse too!!!

I think it would be great if we could bring each other before the Lord in this area.

I feel so blessed for the friendships created over the last month - I think we do have such a cool, creative God that can bring people together to support and lift each other up over a blog. See our God is relevant and intune with today's technology.

I am really, really, really...looking forward to the bbq!!!!


Mike said...

I agree Amanda re: we need to be careful not to use it as a cop out. I know full well the sheltered life working at the church. I also think it's a great idea to pray for one another.

I am not gonna say anything about looking forward to the BBQ!!!

Su-Ann said...
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Mike said...

I assume you have not been blogging because you have bene flying. Is that why???

I did not know you were looking forward to the BBQ, that is nice to know. I am not sure Amanda knew either, because I am sure she would have told me. Thanks for sharing !

Anonymous said...

i agree it can be a quick development of friendship. i think it happens for several reasons. one blogs at ones convenience hence you can check in fairly regularly so you actually get to know one another more quickly. the time spent seems more effecient for lack of a better word. i found this with my carey cohort group as well...we became friends very quickly.

so friends, have a good night and please, enough about the bbq already.

Su-Ann said...
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Anonymous said...

just teasing. the bbq is a great idea.

Mike said...

Oh I would never stir Deb's pot. I don't have a spoon with her name on it. Hmmmm Or do I ... Only Deb knows for sure.

Anonymous said...

Do You? did this whole pot stirring thing not originate with moi?