Tuesday 15 December 2015

Thoughts this month and some scripture thoughts.

As one who has dealt with regrets over the past few years, and has observed others in their relationships I feel led to say, "Don't get so used to someone that you no longer appreciate them. It is so easy, after knowing someone for so long, to just take them for granted. You are not guaranteed tomorrow, let alone tonight.

I Timothy 5:24 says "The sins of some are obvious, reaching the place of judgment ahead of them; the sins of others trail behind them." I have come to believe that when we die, we do not go directly to our reward, because neither our sin nor our goodness ends when we die, it extends through to the end of eternity. (feel free to ask what I mean in saying this).

Tuesday 4 August 2015

My spiritual journey

I have never been good at keeping a journal, but I have decided to start one today and will use this blog as my notebook to write entries, not likely on a daily basis as I am not that disciplined yet, but as often as I can. As we drove to Winnipeg this past weekend we were talking about God, and how he leads us, and directs our paths, and sometimes we don't see the whole picture until we look back and see what happened. Maybe this way I can look back at my journal and see how God moved to guide and direct me over the next few years.

Monday 29 June 2015

Supreme courts decision to legalize gay marriage

It is not only amazing how time flies as you get older but also how times change and how quickly they change. It was interesting watching the online news on CNN last week when the early top stories in the morning were three separate terrorist attacks which soon became secondary stories after the supreme courts decision to legalize gay marriage in all 50 states. I was also amazed on Facebook the posts of rainbows or support, etc for the decision. You would think everyone was waiting for the announcement as it seems from all the posts on FB that more than half of the nation came out of the closet as gay. I thought about posting something to the contrary but decided against as all it would do is create arguments. You can't argue with a non Christian about what the Bible says. The Bible is for Christians, not for non Christians, so any argument you have against the decision will not even be seen as relevant to them.
As I thought more about the supreme courts decision to legalize gay marriage, I thought of Sodom and Gomorrah and how judgment for them will be easier than for us. I also thought, "Why are people so pro-gay". The only answer I could come up with is that now we have permission to sin. The Supreme Court says it is okay, we can do what we want to do, and it is legal.
At some point (and I am sure it will not be too far off) churches and pastors will be going to court because they will refuse to marry these people. There will always be that one person/couple who wants to pursue it right up to the supreme court that "it is their right to be married in a church", if only to make a statement, not that they care anything about God or the church. We are a society run by social media and whatever the majority sees as what should be allowed. The government, wanting the peoples votes, and the church, wanting the people in the pews, will unfortunately bend the rules or water down the Gospel in order for this to happen. What's next?
News flash to the future. July 30th, 2025, CNN reports Polygamy legalized in all 50 states. You can marry multiple partners, male, female or whatever. Next news flash ten years later, 2035, the Supreme Court says it is okay for pet lovers to marry their pets. I know you are thinking, "Now you are getting carried away". Well I guess we will wait and see, after all, look back even 30 years ago and see how far we have fallen to this day.

Friday 1 May 2015

Time for a change

I started a new blog recently, an anonymous one, one where I can vent about things I believe in and have been thinking about, but know that if I published on here, I might lose friends because they don't agree with what I think. So for those, if there are any on here who follow this blog, I likely will not be posting here very much, if at all, as I just feel the need to be more open and honest about stuff, (kind of like I was when I first started blogging years ago.
I think what started all this was Facebook and social media in general. Honestly, society today seems to be run more by social media than what is actually deemed as wrong or right. We live in a more popularity society, and if you don't agree with that than we tend to be in the minority and are certainly told about it when we post in disagreement to others. It is a popularity contest.
So thanks for taking the time to read this blog.

Sunday 15 March 2015

What you see, is not necessarily what you get!

As you can see I have posted two pictures in this blog entry, both taken less than 30 seconds apart and the first picture very much included in the second picture. If you look at the first one of the grass you would think that possibly I just took a picture by mistake as the camera was pointed down, however there is a purpose to this picture of grass. As I was in church this am I thought about how we (people in general) portray themselves to everyone else. If I sent you the above picture you would likely assume something like "Wow that is pretty amazing that there is no snow in Saskatchewan in mid March." However if I send you the below picture also you might think, "You were trying to trick me by sending only the first picture". 

We tend to be like this....maybe not intentionally tricking someone but only letting people see a small portion of who we really are, because if they saw all of us and what is really inside we might not have many friends. 

Take this as a reminder that what we see in people on the outside is very likely not everything they are on the inside. It is kind of sad that we can be more open with people we have never met than with people we have known a lifetime.