Thursday 3 May 2007

Thursday's Theme

Up a little early this morning. Had a dream about John that woke me up.

Well it has been two whole days adding fruit to my menu. I have not completely cut out my old menu, have so far just cut down. Tonight we are going to Milky way..mmmmmm triple tornado...creature of habit...that is what I always get...goes great with a Tim's coffee.

I need all my "reader friends" (I assume most reading this blog are Christians - but you know what happens when you assume), to imagine for a moment that you are not a Christian. Here are some questions I want to pick your brains with and hear your go first Su-ann you are always one of the early bird readers :):) Feel free to pick and choose if there are too many. Maybe you can think of some questions here also. I would love to hear them too.

What motivates you to do good?

What goals do you have?

What do you want to accomplish ?

What to you is the bottom line in your life (ie: family, money, work, fame, retire before 50, etc)?

Lets say you pick money or fame...if you have everything by the time you are 50 everything you wanted (ie you are famous and you have a few million in the bank) Now what? If you were to die when you are 51...all that you have attained as far as you are concerned is leave your money to whoever you want so they can spend it however they want.

If you are much older (ballpark figure 70's and up) do you think a lot about dying and what happens after that? Just to add thought to this - I am thinking that if someone is in their later years are you thinking the same things you were when you were 30, 40, 50 years younger that you will live forever or that you will someday think about God? I have been curious about that matter for sometime. Now answers those questions in your current state of Christianity :)

Having somewhat answered these questions for myself, I must admit I have thought about joining the other side for awhile and "live life to the fullest", but the thing that scares me the most is that once I have tasted the other side, I may not want to come back to this side, or may not live long enough to get back. This is an everyday struggle for me. Like it says in Hebrews 4:7, I'll let you read that one.

Yesterday's trivia answer - They have a Sister and they are triplets! Good job Su-ann.

Todays riddle - There are 2 cops parked along a one-way street looking for traffic violations. They spot a taxi driver going in the wrong direction, yet they do nothing. Why? (5 points) Even I got this one so it must be easy.


Anonymous said...

Ahh.. Mike, you gave me a good laugh... actually, I checked your blog when I rolled into the city around 1:30am... is that early enough for ya? And now I am up, having just said good bye to Larsons at the airport (they went south for a visit, and I really wanted to see them before they left).

Good for you on the fruit.. and good that you didn't cut the other out entirely... that just sets people up for binging during a weak moment. And, I don't think we should be so strict in things like diets that we forget to enjoy being alive.

So.. what motivates me to do good?
Umm. I think more than anything, the great feeling I come away with when i know I chose the right action/attitude/response.

Goals: to enjoy time with friends. To have a servant heart.

accomplish: Umm... pleading the 5th on this one, in case someone holds me to it sooner than I am ready...

bottom line: Friends and my brother & his family. I love doing things for friends, with friends, behind the scenes. Nothing replaces the memories made with people you care about.

As for money... who cares. I'd rather spend it doing awesome fun things with friends.

I fall into the "much younger" category... so can't really answer the rest. and if I say where my estate is willed to go... well, people might be out to knock me off.... hehehehe.

Riddle.. I've had 90 minutes of sleep since yesterday morning... so I'll hazzard a guess later, once I've slept some more.

Anonymous said...

Good for you with the dietary attention. I think it makes a huge difference in how one feels and functions. Not trying to overspiritualize but I also think there is that whole component of honouring one's body.

To answer your questions ... what motivates me is unquestionably Christ and wanting to be authentic in my pursuit of Him.

My goal in life is to live simplicticly and not let the beauty and joy of day to day living be lost on me. As of late [the last couple of years] it includes releasing that which i have no control over. As they say, put it in a baalooon and let it gooooo :)!

What I want to accomplish is completing my masters.

Bottom line is without question, living transparent before God and savouring the gift of family and those who are 'adopted' family.

Money is just money. If I can pay for the essentials that is all I care. I'm with SueAnne on this one. "I'd rather spend it doing awesome fun things with friends."

Su-Ann said...
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Anonymous said...

Good answer SuAnn!! I was stumped on this riddle too:)! Can you send me your blog site address again. You sent it to my work address but I would look at it from home.

By the way, hi Mike :)

Mike said...

Yep, that was the answer to the riddle. He was walking. Well done. 5 more points :)