Thursday 10 May 2007

Thursday's Think-tank

Well I must admit after these few short weeks of blogging and thinking and even reading, I still have not made a move off the fence. I suppose if it were a picket fence I may have fallen off on to one side already, hmmmm wonder which way I would have leaned?!?! (Insert Van Halen song here "Jump") All of these topics that we have been discussing (Hell, Pharaoh, etc) have been somewhat inconclusive. We all know that time is short, but we still tend to delay those decisions that matter most. Maybe this weekend while I am sitting around outside ( I may even have a full weekend off), I will contemplate life on both sides and come up with a decision. After all after making the leap off the fence I can always climb back on or over to the other side, right? Hmmm Here is a thought (not much of one but a thought nonetheless) maybe I should try both sides. Side A (sorry Sheryl) for a week and then try side B (sorry again Sheryl). After the two weeks are up then make a decision. What do you think y'all? Would I? Don't dare me! :)

After having an interesting conversation at lunch time yesterday with some very hmmm "different" views so I also need to "revisit" HELL. There are some very "interesting" views out there and I feel I need to do a look through to see what the Bible says about hell. I will write out the verses on here and we can all "go through hell together" discussing it. I think this is a key issue, because depending on where you stand on it determines how you will/may/might live your Christian life.

No new trivia or riddle, because the last one is an unsolved mystery. I did add another link titled "masking tapes". I am sure you remember previous blog about masks we wear..........................


Anonymous said...

morning mike. if we are talking both sides of the fence, as in God vs. not god. Contemplate this. My friend, Karla, nursing friend, very dear friend. THot she had appendicitis. She has ovarian cancer. So on one side of the fence, She has God, she has hope and strength to meet the challenges of these next weeks. Her parents and sisters have God to turn to, to cling to, to cry to, to hope in. HOWEVER. on the other side of the fence. No God, No Hope, Nowhere to turn for unseen strength. No eternal hope. No one to pray to. No one to pray with. Not knowing really how to pray, no assurance of anyone listening to prayer. I cannot imagine facing these next days with Karla without knowing which side of the fence I am on.

SO, unless I am totally not understanding what you are saying about the fence... that is where my heart is today. In Calgary. With a very dear friend. And my body is in Winnipeg. In a classroom. Doing air ambulance recertification exams. Sure hope my brain decides to join my body long enough to ensure that I pass this day of exams. and keep my job another year.
as always, anon

Anonymous said...

a fishing net... full and full of holes
anon again

Anonymous said...

sponge???? that was my first thought yesterday, but thought that would be too easy.

even though i think i understand where you are - my university years crisis - i can't imagine having gotten through the last year without that hope - even if it sometimes it was a small hope.


Mike said...

I really appreciate your responses to my blog. It sometimes helps me and sometimes makes me question where I am and what I am doing. I guess what I am saying re: the fence, I feel I am taking from both sides, doing things I want and doing what I should (or what I think God wants). Should make for some great discussion at Milky way if you are still up for it. Hope you can carry the conversation, after all just because I write like this in my blog does not mean I speak it in public. If we are all shy then we can put a mask on and pretend we are not ;)~

Wow you are in the place I long to be (Winnipeg). My home town.
All the best with exams.

No to the fishing net (good answer though) ;(, and yes to the sponge.
Should stick with those first instincts.


Anonymous said...

i hope with all of my heart that you come down on the side of christ. as we have talked the last while about life being so short, all that really matters in the end is God and one's relationship with him. what else gives meaning to life or death?