Saturday 5 May 2007

Saturday's Sucks

Just dragged myself out of bed, so feel like I did not get enough sleep. Work to do so I can get off early.

Why do we not hear God when he speaks. I believe he speaks to us all the time, now if that is that case, why don't I do what he says or why don't I hear him. My guess here...two is I am never still enough to take the time to listen to hear what he is saying. I know if he wanted to he could knock me down like Paul off his horse, but for the moment chooses to do so gently. The bigger issue I think is the sin in my life that he has to get through to reach me. I have all this other stuff going on in my head that has become more of what I want to do than to listen to what God has to say.

Riddle to come later. :)


Anonymous said...

My bet is that we are not still enough to hear. We have busied our life up so much that we don't know how to be still anymore.


Mike said...

Yep we are good at keeping busy. Funny (no haha though), we will spend the time to do just about anything else (watch TV, play sports, go visit with friends - nothing necessarily bad about any of these events) but when it comes to time with God, we are usually saying okay God here I am, but my show starts in 5 minutes, so please speak quickly. Or, church is over, thanks God ... see you next Sunday!

Pretty sad.

Anonymous said...

aahh, you two need to check out the spiritual formation program at Carey. It is amazing at helping one learn to be still. [ or]It involves neither crowds nor church so would suit both of you :).

The Eagles have an amazing song that I love ... i think it is called 'learn to be still' it is on their reunion album. Mike could one find it on the web? there is a video for it.