Friday 11 May 2007

Friday's Freedom

Today I get to enjoy the day off work, not really sure how much of an enjoyment a garage sale is. We have accumulated a lot of junk over the last several years, so hopefully we can get rid of some now.
Was going to revisit the issue of hell but was too busy setting up for the garage sale so it will have to wait. I guess it is quite amazing as Christians how we can have such differences of opinions on what we feel the Bible is saying to us. Guess that is why we have so many churches and denominations. Kind of like cafeteria church, pick and choose the one we fit in the best with. I mean who goes to a church they don't like being at... hmmm. I go to this church because they don't care if I smoke or drink, after all the Bible says nothing about smoking and not much about drinking.(not in excess). So is it okay to smoke or drink (I have not even touched on any of the other temptations that Christians face on a daily gambling, sex ( oops I said a four letter word, well three hmmm you know what I mean). Should the church be the one to tell us..." Don't (fill in your own issue)". Ahhh "Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial"...more hmmm's. Do we have a freedom in Christ to do everything? As far a dealing with my own stuff, I find the answer more to be God will tell me to deal with it when I need to. We do so many things out of guilt, and I am not sure that is the right reason to do something or to stop something. I am sure this will be continued...........

Today's riddle - what can you throw off the highest building and it will not break, but place in the ocean and it will? Sponge was the answer to two days ago riddle. Well done Amanda. There were some very good wrong answers too...hmmmm interesting topic (very good wrong answers)...could include interpretation in here ;)


Anonymous said...

wrong answer... hhhmmm.. that can be rather subjective.. what is wrong for you may not be wrong for me.. take for example, the golf course... only useful when full.. and full of holes. or the fishing net.. again, only useful when full, but also full of holes.. so wrong answers.. maybe not.. the answer YOU were looking for..well... hhmm.... hehehehe.
WHat does that say about the "all things permissable"? what does that say about the different ways we hear what God is telling us to do?? Am I stirring the pot??

And ARE WE GOING TO MILKY WAY??? YOU CAN JUST TEASE ME WITH THIS??? ESPECIALLY with Lorraine and Elwood out of town!!!

Mike said...

You are doing a very good job of stirring the pot. I hand the spoon over to you, which I am sure was given to me by Deb in the first place, right Deb???????

Yep, Milky way is still a go. So far just the three of us. Others are welcome, no spoon required, (unless you need one for ice cream). At this point still thinking around 7:00pm Saturday or therein. Depends if you are fashionably late or early or on time.

Anonymous said...

i hope this riddle doesn't go for two days - it's already driving me nuts!

just a thought...but do we have so many denominations because of the differences in opinion or is it also because of intolerance???

i think you are bang on when you say that God will tell you to deal with something when it's time. if He wanted us to deal with everything at once...we wouldn't have any success, we would be overwhelmed. that is what we tell our kids when they see their Christian friends doing something that we may not agree with - that God deals with different issues, with different people, at different times.

as far as the milky way - would love to come but kids have piano recital. next time.

hope you don't get rained out at your garage sale.

Anonymous said...

Hi all,
I think i will have to pass on the milky way this time as I have to concentrate this weekend on getting ready for my class. If i get caught up i may just show up there at that time or contact you first. Otherwise i will come with you next time. have a wonderful time.

as for the pot-stirring spoon i think it originates in the office across from the kitchen:)

Mike said...

Not sure whose office is across from the kitchen Deb, I think that is the lounge :)~

Su-Ann said...
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Mike said...

If you want we can wait till more people are able to come. Maybe try for another evening. We still may go tonight after we're done the garage sale but we can try and arrange the group thing for next week or during the week.

Let us know everyone.