Saturday 19 May 2007

Saturday's Search

Questions and more questions. Time to do more thinking. Okay I have some questions for you too. Some of those have you ever wondered questions...wel have you ever wondered... questions like...........

Homework may be required here so get out your Bibles :)~

After you die, what happens? Do you believe you go straight to heaven or rest in the grave till your name is called along with everyone else? Is your Bible open...ok I will wait. Hey you don't have your Bible open do you? You are just gonna read without it aren't you? Okay I am digressing here only because I can :) Can't wait to hear your answer along with a verse to go along with it.

Do you think we all have a guardian angel? Good luck looking this one up!!!

Okay put your Bible away here and answer this one...there are no wrong answers here. If you could pick three people to have supper with who would it be? PLEASE PICK ME !!! (just kidding sniff sniff)

Do you have any of these "ever wondered questions"?


Su-Ann said...
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Mike said...

It is miserable cold here in Regina today, even too cold for Milky way :( Thanks for sending that weather down for us to enjoy also :)~

I will have to look up your reference for angels charge over thee, just to make sure you are on the up and up :)

As for the supper list, I am sure there would be plenty who would join you for supper. No pity parties allowed, unless it's me :)

Sounds like you are all over the place, Rankin, Winnipeg (Nice City by the way), and Regina.

I guess no one else is posting because of long weekend. Either that or they have a life!!!!!

I am waiting for my Krispy Kreme donuts that are on order from Calgary. Mmmmm blueberry. Bet they would go great with a triple tornado eh.

Su-Ann said...
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Mike said...

Ps. 91:11 For He will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.

Heb 1:14 - Are not all angels ministering spirits, sent to serve those who will inherit salvation.

Finaly the sun has come out and the temperature is now about 7 above. It is warming up in Rankin...supposed to be 0 tomorrow.

Nope I don't know your third invitee. isn't it great to have friends :) Life would be such a
_ _ _ _ _ without them.

So do you have any of those ever wondered questions?

Anonymous said...

Which 3 people would I invite to dinner? I'd have to say Jesus, Stephen Hawking, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. I would talk to the first two about their views on society, past and present. Future too. However, I would probably end up talking to Arnold for most of the time. This would need to be one long dinner. He's knows something that most of us, or at least myself do not, and I would want to pick at his brain. He's done many things through his life, but unlike me... rather than dabbling in something here and there; he stays his course and does everything to the fullest. He started with bodybuilding, something that takes extreme dedication, careful planning, motivation, ability to work through pain, and many other great qualities. He is widely known as the greatest bodybuilder ever. He then traveled to America (his dream) and became a famous movie star. He conquered movies as well, being the first person ever to gross over $30 million a movie. Then, he became governor of California... twice. 3 completely different things, each taking many different qualities to accomplish, and conquering each one. There is something this man knows about motivation that I want to know. All change in life comes through motivation. Actually, in everything that we do there is an underlying motivation. You are talking of your time on the fence, and questioning which way to go. I wouldn't push you one way or the other, because until the right motivator clicks in your head, you'll just end up back with the status quo. Back on the fence. So what's your motivation? More than just to be with God, relatives, and live an eternally happy life. A specific motivator that is right for you and only you. Sometimes just thinking of your motivation in different ways can just lead to sudden click. Light bulb above the head goes on. Everything seems to then make sense.

Mike said...

I guess if I could pick three people, I would pick _, _ and _. Sorry I can't mention their names or give initials here, just three people I call friends, but I would really like to get to know. All cards on the table. Wanting to know what makes them tick and ticked. I prefer deeper relationships, not just surface stuff.

I agree that motivation is the key to a lot of stuff. I am very much a goal oriented person. If I don't set goals, I have no target to hit. After all I think a person could hit just about any goal they wanted (whether good or bad) if they were to stay focused on reaching that goal. The motivation is only the end result, the getting their is always the challenge, whatever it is. "Enjoy the journey not just the destination". Once you set the goal, I think there is a sense of accomplishment, but I think there is also a new sense of 'Now What'?

Su-Ann said...
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Anonymous said...

sorry, Mike, it wasn't sr that did the anonymous post.. don't know who.. fess up someone.. sounds a little like deb??

Friends, Fellowship, Hope & History said...

If i had to choose three people to have supper with i think it would be my dad (with the Lord now - and I'd like the Lord to come too!), Tony Campolo, and my husband (without the kids). Uh oh that's four - sorry but i can't narrow that down any!!!!

We must have guardian angels or i would probably be with the Lord now! I like to think that I'm not going to have to wait to be with the Lord - that we go to be with Him right away! I'm too impatient to have to wait.


Mike said...

Okay you can have four Amanda, but you know that Su-ann is going to want four also :)

Su-Ann said...
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Mike said...

I would confront you on this issue but I can't get out from under the door mat ;)~

Have a great evening all, I have to go back to work :(

Su-Ann said...
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