Sunday 10 June 2007

Sunday's Stupidity

Totally off my usual topics, well at least of late. Just wanted to rant about the idiocy that some call "Sustenance for Life". First it was OJ then it was Michael Jackson, then Anna Nicole Smith and now it is Paris Hilton.... the difference between them all, well the first two were found not guilty for something they did, and Anna well who can forgot that when she died all people cared about was who the freaking father was. At last word, OJ was still looking for his wife's killer on some golf course in Florida, and Michael Jackson was looking to open up a daycare in Beijing. As for Anna Nicole, rumour has it she may not have died but is in fact living in Graceland with Elvis in his basement. And you thought he had left the building. Now we have to be inundated with news that poor Paris proceeds to prison. We have to hear about her hair being unkempt ( I couldn't tell), no make up (Well a slight improvement), and she will not be allowed to wear her designer clothes (maybe she looks good in stripes). Poor Poor Paris. Your in prison. Why is it we give so much air time to air heads.... (I guess because the media knows those watching are also airheads). People lap it up like a dog at the fountain who hasn't drank in a day. At least the dog knows when he has had enough to drink. I remember when we were in Jamaica in January and heard about Anna-Nicole Smith dying. One lady on her lounger, was telling us how she spent an hour on the phone that morning with her mom talking about the whole thing. MORONS. We have nothing better to do than to watch the National Enquirer come to life on CNN, I don't get CNN but I know enough of them to know how they love to sensationalize the news. Do I care that she is in prison. Nope. Isn't that where you go when you break the law....I guess it depends which law you break at least in California. if it were murder, she would be back home, lounging around the house in her designer dress, getting a manicure and wondering what she can do next to keep her name in the entertainment news and on the lips of the stupid people that watch it. Speaking of which, I better go get updated so I can keep all of my readers informed. Oops the phone is ringing, hang on. WOW it is CNN and they want me to come and write the news for them. Now what was that I was saying just the other day about wanting another job!!! What's that? Awww bummer, must be U.S. citizen, and dumber than a sack of hammers....hmmmmmm hmmmmmmm (I heard that). Guess you are all stuck with me ..... for now!


Anonymous said...

for someone who doesn't care, you gave good blog time to the subjects.. and are even more up to date than i was... stir, stir. who needs the spoon today??

Anonymous said...

laughing with the last post... hahahaha...

Mike said...

Must be an SR comment anonymously posted :):) It was the stir stir. :)~

A2 said...

Paris got out of prison - she has some illness and will serve the rest of her sentence under house arrest. She only served 5 days! Only know this because it made National news.

This is a mixed up world!!!