Saturday 9 June 2007

Saturday's Support

I sure hope to catch up on some lost sleep hours this weekend. Most mornings been up before 3:00, and amazingly it is still dark outside. ;) Feel really draggy this morning. Work till noon, then back to work in the evening for a few hours after 9:00. Anyone know of any jobs available? Hmmm, hmmmmm, hmmmmmm. Then I think of your job SR, no way. You can keep it and the fact that you love your career is extra bonus. Your job Amanda/Manda/Mandy (hehehe), no. I could not even think of homeschooling 1 kids let alone 3. My one would have to be the teacher.
And I certainly would not want to do my wife's job. Complaining customers (except me - cause I am not allowed to go through her lane). I even refuse to go through the self serve tills a the east store. I am sure there are some jobs that I would like to do out there somewhere, maybe like you "kids", when I grow up I will know what I want to be. WHATEVER ;)~
So why am I whining about all this....because my back hurts and because I can! Also I want to let you know that you all do a great job in the work you have chosen. I either don't want to or can't do the things that you are doing but I can support and encourage you all or y'all in what you are doing. Do you get lots of encouragement in your job? Those days you don't get any, I sure pray and hope that God whispers to you how important you are to what you are doing but more importantly to HIM. Do our jobs really matter.....hmmmm to a degree, yes, (we can discuss this another time). What we do with them can make a difference, hopefully to the benefit of others. Think of those people who, or is it whom, I think it's whom, (I know I'm digressing shhhhh) you come into contact with for only a few minutes. That time you spent with them (believe it or not) could make all the difference in the world to them. Make the most (as I am sure you do) of what you do and what you say. We won't see the results until eternity. When we don't make the most of those times and if people see us in that short period of time in a bad light, we may also see the results of that in eternity also. Have a great weekend y'all.


A2 said...

Mike, you are great at your job! It sure makes a difference having a clean place to do ministry in!!!
Thank you for making our place of worship such an inviting place. It does make a big diffence having the building well looked after!!!!
I have been encouraged this week by SR and her comments about how well behaved our children are. Thanks SR.

I too would have difficulty doing your job Mike - too much of doing the same thing over and over again! SR your job - yuck, I couldn't handle all the blood and stuff - not in a million years. But it's just like in the church were we are all different parts of the body and when we don't use our gifts everyone suffers. If you too didn't do what you do - many others life experience would be hindered.....Thanks for doing what God has called you to do.

Su-Ann said...
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Mike said...

Thanks for the encouragements. Good points to A2D2 :) re: gifts.

We are glad you love your job to SR, besides just think how much you get to miss us because you are away every couple of weeks. You won't get sick of us very quickly that way :)