Saturday 23 June 2007

Saturday's Scandal

No rants today... no raves either... just a couple of questions.

1. What is your opinion on the exclusivity of Christianity? People are asking, "Who is to say that Islam or Mormonism or Judaism or Buddhism are not the right religions or the right "God" to follow. Other than faith, believing what the Bible says, is there any other reason to believe that Christianity is the only way. Love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this topic? It is obviously one that as Christians we should have an answer for!

2. Another question to wrestle with is how kids are taught in Sunday School and at home. They are young and very impressionable and will take, for the most part, whatever their teacher or parents say about God/religion. So you are believing only what you have been told. If it was good enough for us, it is good enough for you. For the most part, no questions asked. Almost like choice is not a part of the package. (I know I did not question things then, which is probably why I am questioning things now) Which brings about the next part of this question...that when the kids get older (say in their 20's and 30's) they really don't know why they believe what they believe because they never questioned it or maybe were told not to. Don't get me wrong here. Obviously some parents and teachers have let their kids think and question through some issues, but for the most part I think that is not the norm.

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