Tuesday 3 July 2007

Tuesday's Trip

The fruit of the spirit in Galatians 5:22-23 I feel I fail so miserably in more than half of these areas. Joy, peace, patience, goodness, faithfulness and self control are those fruits which have either never grown on my branches or have fallen off along the way and rotted on the ground. Like Casey at the bat, there is no joy in Mikeville (some joy perhaps, but too often life is a bitch). Peace I think comes with joy (I am sure that some will say that if you have one you have all, or like the ten commandments - you break one you break 'em all). Patience is getting much better. I find as I am getting older, a lot of "earthly" things don't matter, unfortunately that often extends to my spiritual thinking of late. Goodness and faithfulness are really not even on my radar right now. I think I could change my name to Judas and have more goodness and faithfulness than I feel I have at this time. Self control - hmmm lets leave that one behind the mask for now. On the bright side (no really there is one). I have been able to identify where I have fallen short as far as areas where I have room for "home improvement". On the downside (I knew there was one of those). If these fruit do not continue to produce on my branches then life as i know it looks pretty damn bleak. I have not given up all hope (trust me, if I had, I sure as heck would not be blogging on spiritual stuff right now). I know that only God can stir within me the change that is needed. God is always stirring things within me, sometimes he needs an even bigger spoon than mine. Maybe a good whack across the head will wake me up someday.


A2 said...

I really think we need to take responsibility when we are lacking in areas of the fruit the spirit.
For instance joy. I think we decide for the most part whether or not we will have joy in our life. For me, I sabatoge my own joy - I get into a "woe is me" attitude, feeling sorry for myself and I miss out on many joyful experiences because of this. Fortunately, I have a spouse that will call me on it and remind me how if I'm sucking the joy out of my life, I'm also sucking the joy out of the life of my family.

Mike said...

Joy can be very contagious and the lack of it is also contagious. I tend to agree, if only to a point that joy is something we choose to have and take hold of. However, it is difficult to take hold of something when things are not going very well.

A2 said...

it may be difficult - but not impossible - i've seen others do it - i don't know how but they do.