Thursday 26 April 2007

Thursday's Tirade

Todays blog...I was thinking (third time this week for those counting) anyone have issues or ideas on what they want me to blog on. Maybe once a week I could blog on something you want to hear my rantings on. Send an anonymous post and I will tell you what you want or don't want to hear :) I could be the next Don Cherry...the guy you love to hate ;)

Mother Teresa has been such an incredible example to follow when it comes to Christ's teaching of feeding the poor and helping the needy...not sure anyone did it better than she did. Yesterday, I was out near Superstore and I noticed some guy holding a sign right near the lights on Victoria and Prince of Wales. His sign said something like..."travelling, and hungry...etc". My thought was how about getting a job then you can travel and have money for food. To me this (in my opinion) is not what Jesus was talking about when he was referring to the poor. To me if you are traveling then you save up the money to do it and then you go, or at least put it on your credit card. I don't go buy groceries and stock up my shopping cart and then tell the cashier when I get there that I don't have money to pay for this, and then hold up a sign in the store and saying hungry and broke, (Gee I wonder if people would fall for that). You can see why I don't work in the area of the church where I am responsible for those in need. I hate when people take advantage of those situations...just beg for the sake of begging when they are very capable of getting a job. There are lots of jobs in Regina, stop taking away from those who are more in need of assistance. Grrrrrrrr Okay done ranting on that issue. Politics anyone :)~


Anonymous said...

Hi Mike,
I agree, I am not real patient with people who are capable, but refuse to make their own way. The proverb comes to mind that takes aboutthe sluggard being hungry due to his own laziness. I woud go so far as to say that most Canadians can make their own way, if they determined to do it, determined NOT to use the government as their scapegoat... when you look at refugees who come from other countries with NOTHING, they make their own way, and often thrive. Where Mother Teresa was... those are the poor, the hungry.
That is my ranting. I am sure there are many out there who will disagree.
I'll introduce myself next time I am in the church.

Mike said...

I usually like to try and guess who comments when they comment anonymously here but I am not sure who was commenting here. I suppose I need to further blog on this subject and talk about who then Jesus was referring to. I will come back to this topic sometime this weekend.


Anonymous said...

sorry to keep you in suspense. i won't be around the city for another week or so. you will know me to see me, i am sure.