Sunday 22 April 2007

Sunday's Subject

As most of you who know me fairly well, know that I am one of the worst eaters of anyone they know. Typical day for me, is toast for breakfast, hot dogs for either lunch or supper, and then a hodge podge of choices for my other meal that might be pizza, mac and cheese, grilled cheese, etc. Of course in between all of those meal there is my staple of chocolate bars, oreos and fudgeos, Lays salt n vinegar chips, not only in between those meals but with the meals, except for breakfast. No veggies for me, and rarely fruit. Recently, I have noticed I have not been feeling as well as I used to (so I have gotten away with it for this long) therefore I have decided to slowly add fruit to my nutritional menu :) Will let you know how that goes. Oh yeah, I will start in May, after all why do today what you can put off till tomorrow.

Today's thought for the day...pets. I know that anyone who reads this may take offence, but I am also looking for your feedback because maybe not having a pet I just don't understand the "pet lover". I was listening to the radio yesterday and they were talking about a telethon for the humane society and right away my hair starts standing up. I don't hate animals, really after all I have 9 goldfish ;) ..I guess what i dislike is more the issue of excessive animal rights to the detriment of people's plights. If there were a telethon for pets and one for the poor people (whether for people in Regina or India) should our money not be going to the poor. Yet we know how attached some people become to their pets where they even refer to them as their children. Even today there are pet cemetarys, funerals and people dying that leave all there inheritance to their freaking animal. Ok.... deep breath.....sigh. I feel better now. I am not against the cause of animal rights and it is great for people to be involved but (in my opinion) are there not much more important issues out there for Christians to be involved with. I am getting off my high horse for today's thought, because I know I have already ticked a few people off. After all, what are friends for other than to push each other to think about all of life's issues and to get a perspective and understanding on so that we can then act on. So feel free (let me have it) and help me to understand this issue differently.

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