Thursday 19 April 2007

Thursday's Thought

Two part post here and hoping to hear your comments on these questions.

I have always wondered what makes people believe in God, and why some have a very strong faith while others it just barely seems to exist. Some say, (I won't mention your names, you know who you are) I want to die today so I can be with Jesus (paraphrasing here), while others (me included) are thinking more along the lines of "No, I will wait my turn in line or when I am older, like in my 80's or so." So for us in the latter category does that show a lack of faith because we want to hold on to "this Life" so much. Makes me think of the quote "better the devil you know".... yeah I know not a real good reference point when we are talking about eternal life.

Part two:

If (I must admit I hate hypothetical questions) you were not a believer and never heard the Gospel or of God or any thing referring to a creator...what would make you believe there must be a higher power? So picture yourself as Tarzan or Jane, no you can't be cheetah (not in the physical sense)...but swinging around in the jungle with no sense at all of a God or creator. I have my own thoughts on this issue but I will wait to hear what y'all have to say.


Melissa Denise said...

Mike you are so deep! Okay, my thought on the first post. I am in the latter group. I always say, "I am not ready for God to return... I haven't lived my life yet!" Maybe that does show that I need some growing up and maturing spiritually, but that is just a place that everyone has to get to in their own journey. We can't compare ourselves to others, as hard as that may be. Those who are ready to see Jesus TODAY are not more spiritual in my mind, just at a different place in their journey. The second part of your post... Hmm... I wonder this question all the time. Especially after my spiritual psychology class I took. What makes someone who hasn't heard about God/creator believe in a Higher Power. In a way I think that that is the power of God. He can stir our hearts and make our minds desire to believe that there is something out there that is bigger than us. Who knows, maybe I am out to lunch...
I hope that makes sense and I am not rambling on and on!

Mike said...

Thanks for the response Melly ;)
I guess not being Tarzan and having all the technology that we of the things that makes me believe is the formation of the human body. When you think of all the little intricate details that makes us up, really seems to incredible to come from a "BIG BANG theory" From all of our inner organs, veins, the bloodstream, and how everything works and is attached is really quite amazing. Also looking at creation and our surroundings. This just didn't happen (in my opinion.
P.S. Mel: What happened to my quiz. It just took off. Did I do something to cause that?

Mike said...

Oops I guess the quiz thing fixed itself. Still waiting for you to take the test Mel. Let me know if you want the answers :):):)

Sheryl said...

Okay, you're bringing out all the questions -- it is much easier to ask them over the blog then have those discussions over lunch isn't it. Well I'm in the group of saying -- I got lots of life to live. Right at this place in time my family needs me -- sure Bill and Jon could do okay but Jamieson -- how would he really do -- even though they both spend lots of time with him when it comes right down to it he needs me and I can't imagine how he'd survive. Anyway, I don't think it means that I don't have a strong faith or that the people that say "I want to die so I can be with Jesus" have a stronger faith. They are at a completely different space/place. Everyone travels a different road a different pace -- if we didn't the world would be a pretty boring place -- we'd kinda be like the "collective" on StarTrek then. Another thought to throw out there -- even though they say that -- when push comes to shove --do they really really mean it -- especially if they are younger in age and not say 80+. It's easy to say that -- but when we are truly faced with it I only say that because of various conversations with my mom when she was sick. I think I'll blog a bit about that --I just gotta get finishing the drafts that I've already got going.

Part two question -- I guess if I was just swinging around I'd still have to wonder where the trees and water and snakes and bugs and me Tarzan or Jane came from... right? If you have any sort of mind you would wonder -- it all couldn't just be -- but maybe they wouldn't -- are we amazed by what we see because we realize the creativity in all that is around us and that these things just couldn't have happened and be as they are????? Would Tarzan and Jane even think those things -- that is a good question.

Off to my blog now...

Sheryl said...

Oh yes -- before I go... You look more like trouble to me than cute.... JK