Thursday 1 November 2007

Thursday's Thrust

Back to the blog on motivation. Can I? Can I? Can I do anything??? (lose weight, be happy, be positive, be less negative, eat healthier, save money, quit smoking, etc etc etc) Damn right. There are things I think about daily and I constantly ask myself whether or not I can do this or that? Every time... okay probably 90% of the questions I come up with the answer is Yes I can. Soooooooooo the question is why do I choose not to do these things...most of which are good for me. Laziness, fear, lack of motivation, could be any one or a combination of any of those answers...I am guessing mostly lack of motivation. I honestly believe that we play so many mind games with ourselves that we are our worst enemy most of the time. Growing up...think back now..did you get positive or negative thoughts/encouragements from parents, teachers, siblings, friends, etc. Did they say hey dumb ass you won't amount to much, or were they saying, You can do and be anything you want in this world. My parents never said anything negative, at the same time I don't remember a lot of "positive" comments...but I knew they wanted what was best for me. To be continued, I still need to say so much more on this topic.

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