Speaking in terms of God, the Bible, and relationships....what matters most to you? Reading your Bible?, Prayer?, time with God?, being a "good" person? This list could have hundreds of answers to pick from. For me, it is the time I spend with God and everything else will flow out of that relationship. It is not just spending 5 minutes reading His word and 5 minutes of prayer but it is a continual seeking of Him and talking and praying to him throughout the day. I am a slow learner, and it only took some 57 years to learn this, but I am learning. In order for me to be an effective person for God, I need to turn my thoughts and actions toward him constantly. For the last several months I have wanted to have an effective prayer life. I really do not like to pray in groups, so for now I want to focus on just praying alone to God, (the rest will come later). God has been showing me that through prayer, and reading His word, and time with Him and listening to sermon podcasts the things that I should be praying about and for. Think of your family or friends or co-workers, etc. Those who do not know Him and are going to hell. Should that not motivate us to pray for them and tell them about God, especially those who are older because more than likely they will die first.
I think of my in-laws who while they say they believe in Jesus, their life shows otherwise. Scripture says we will know them by the fruit they bear. It is very difficult to tell someone who says they know Jesus but are not living like they, and
that the Christian life is not just about accepting Jesus as Saviour but as Lord as well. When I pray, I pray for all my family and friends etc who do not know Jesus. I myself need to be more bold when I speak to them, in love, about eternity. There is nothing sadder than attending the funeral of a non Christian. There is no hope. People talk about the things the person liked to do, which are so hollow and meaningless. I pray that when I die and people speak about me that they speak about my relationship with God and not say yeah, he liked to golf and travel and other meaningless things that I may enjoy.
I Thessalonians 1:4 says ..."we urge you in the name of the Lord Jesus to live in a way that pleases God..."
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