Saturday 23 January 2016

Family and Friends Without God.

I often think as you get older, say 75 plus, and don't know the Lord. What do you think about? When you are 40 you might be thinking about buying a new home or car and even a change in career, but at 75, 80, 90 what is going through the mind of the non christian? For most, there is nothing material they need anymore, physically you would be in the declining years of life, mentally you would also be declining. Think about spiritually? What have you believed all these years? What has kept you from the creator? A dispute with the church? Pride? Something else? Luke 12:20 says, "God said to him, You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you". These same words apply to any one of any age.
That should be the scariest phrase for any non christian. Therefore, for us as Christians, we should be telling people the Gospel, especially family. We can't make them believe, that is up to God. We can only share it with them and pray that what we have said sinks in and they respond. Lifestyle evangelism is not enough. I have seen people who live very upright and moral lives, but without God in that it is nothing.I think of my son and others like him who made a decision to accept Christ into their heart at a young age, but now no longer believes that. I have a list of people I pray for to come to know the Lord in my family and friends. I am amazed at how many people there are who do not know the Lord. Certainly more in this list than in the list of those who do know Him. That should be more than enough reason for us to share the Gospel with them.

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