Friday 1 May 2015

Time for a change

I started a new blog recently, an anonymous one, one where I can vent about things I believe in and have been thinking about, but know that if I published on here, I might lose friends because they don't agree with what I think. So for those, if there are any on here who follow this blog, I likely will not be posting here very much, if at all, as I just feel the need to be more open and honest about stuff, (kind of like I was when I first started blogging years ago.
I think what started all this was Facebook and social media in general. Honestly, society today seems to be run more by social media than what is actually deemed as wrong or right. We live in a more popularity society, and if you don't agree with that than we tend to be in the minority and are certainly told about it when we post in disagreement to others. It is a popularity contest.
So thanks for taking the time to read this blog.

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