One thought I had this week while standing in line is How much time in this life is wasted on things that aren't worth shit. As i was waiting in line, I thought I must wait in line just about everywhere I go, Superstore, the Bank, Tim Horton's, Walmart, traffic, Airport, on the freaking phone (where my call is important so wait on the damn line) ....and I could make this list longer. Not only is time wasted standing in line, but do I really need to be there in the first place. We live in a society where we have so much expendable cash. We spend it on coffee when we could make it at home, we buy junk at Walmart or Superstore that we really don't need or go out to restaurants when we could eat at home. I am sure that I would spend a good 10 - 20 % of my income on shit I don't even need. Which brings me to my next point....
At work there is a Samaritan's Purse poster up saying that a child dies every 20 seconds. How amazing it is that I can walk by that poster a few times a day and not give it much thought other than , yeah, that is too bad. Yet I can wait in the store for something i don't need so I can fill my face, or buy a new TV, or a new lawn chair to sit on outside, or a new BBQ, because the other BBQ, well it is just getting old. Where to draw the line between what we know we should do (take a look at the Tony Campolo video on the right) and what really is not necessary. Just another thought I had this week.
Finally, something that continues to really piss me off, are those guys/girls standing on the street corners holding up the piece of cardboard that says "Hungry and broke. Too polite to steal". Isn't that nice of them that they don't steal....I guess that depends on how you look at it. Here they are stealing from those who give them money (and there must be a lot of people giving them money because they continue to make their living at it). One line they should add at the bottom of their sign as well is "too $&%&$*# lazy to work like the rest of you".
How many places are in need of help, but what the hell, they probably make much better money at this. There are people out there who do need assistance, but when you get lazy people like this, you just get tired of all the handouts.
1 comment:
Sounds like through all your frustration, you still havent found what you're looking for...
This is not a bad place to be, in fact, it sounds like the darkness is getting blacker--much blacker. It sounds like the real question you are asking is...What is the point of all this...life! You correctly analyze the shallow self-centred creatures that most of us are (proven by our activities and our comparing ourselves, longing for the accolades of men/women to tell us we are worthy...because we do this or own that or...) Yes it is the slippery slope to ..you know.
But back to the real question. Please ponder it for a while and let me know happens.
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