Still searching for answers ......... for God ......... for purpose, for some sense of enjoyment, happiness (temporary or even permanent), etc. So in my "searching" I went for coffee the other day with someone and we were discussing the church and what it looks like to us. We spoke as if the people in the church were chocolate chip cookies. Giant cookies, little cookies, some with lots of chocolate chips, and others with only a few, some that were homemade, others that were store bought. Then one Sunday morning in came a chocolate chip cookie that had raisins in it. Well the whole church was abuzz. "Quick, someone get those raisins out of here, otherwise the whole batch will be ruined". A little far fetched?... maybe a little. In this analogy the raisins are sin, so are the chocolate chips...but unlike our chocolate chips (which everyone has) we are now seeing something that we don't like. It is one thing to have those chocolate chip sins in full view of everyone, because we all do those things, but to see raisins and chocolate chips mixed together, and wait just a second.........oh my goodness there are some peanuts in there as well as raisins, and "Oh no, they are wearing jeans too!!!" The homemade cookies are the ones who basically believe what your parents believed and the store bought are the ones who became Christians later.
Some sins it seems are more "acceptable" than others...like the ones "we all do or have done", but heaven forbid when we see someone in the church commit a sin that we usually keep buried within the dark deep caves of our hearts and minds. Simply an illustration for all of us on how we treat (whether in word or in thought) those who are either different from us or are displaying those very sins that we also harbour inside.
Obviously, I have still not found what I am looking for......stay tuned.........
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