Judge not, lest ye be judged. Thought about that verse for awhile this morning. It is amazing how even after all these removed from bible college, how much you still remember, even though it has been far from where I am at lately. Anyway, while I was thinking that verse today, I was thinking about how often I judge others, as well as how often others judge me. I guess in some way shape or form we all do it (not saying it is right), just stating fact. I came to the conclusion on the part about people judging me that it is okay, I can't control what people think of me or my views, just like they can't control what I think about them. It comes down to a heart motive, why we do what we do. I always remember someone from Bible college saying to me, "For every finger you point at someone else, there are two others pointing back at you". Always remember but don't always pay attention to it. But, I try. When I fuck up, I have to move on.
When I judge others, for instance, when I look at them and think or say to them, you know what, you need to do this (sound like doctor dumb ass or Dr. Phil when I do that). I see their imperfections and think if they would only change this or that, they would be the better for it. Maybe they would, maybe they wouldn't but they did not ask for my advice, and even if they did they may not want to hear it anyways.
I need to fix myself first before I can even think of trying to fix them (yeah I can hear the verse that applies here also). Get the freaking two by four out of your own eye, then help them remove the speck. Can I fix myself....maybe. Is church the answer....not now , it is not even on the radar. In fact, right now I find it hard to work in one, when I feel I am not on the same "mission" as those who work there, and are Christian. But, what the heck,it is what it is. Is Jesus the answer....hmmm sounds like the old Sunday School stories we learned in church when it seemed the answer to everything was Jesus, even when the question being asked was, "What has lots of hair, four legs, and barks"? As a five year old you are thinking maybe it is a dog, but because I am in Sunday School, surely the answer has to be Jesus. Digressing, yes. Jesus could be the answer to what is causing my problems....won't admit to a definite yes or no right now though. So when I see that people are having problems I will not give advice....maybe some.... if asked.... maybe. I thought about this today, that how can I tell someone else who is going through a similar issue, that they need to do "this", when I won't do it myself. That is when the light went on.
The other thing I thought about while vacuuming, was the fact of being censored, or stifled, or hushed in what I think or believe and even blog about. So if there are people who read my blog, just a note, it will contain things I think about, or my beliefs about God, and about where I feel the church is headed or even I how see the church, or how I see life and all the things I experience......because I can. So can you. Hell I might even grow from it. We should all have that freedom to speak what we believe....and we should all have that freedom to not share that belief also.