After painting last week in the youth stairwell I remember how much I hate to paint ceilings. Paint splattering all over (although it adds a nice new color to my hair). When it comes to getting it off and you have to scrub and scrub, especially on the hands around the fingernails. Finally after a few days of scrubbing it is gone. I know most other areas are cleaned up when the paint around the fingernails is all gone. So I am clean on the outside but the inside is as disgusting as ever. It seems I always give enough time to scrubbing and cleaning when there is all the dirt that people can see on the outside of me, but never pay attention to what is going on inside, or even attempt to give God the free reign to clean up in here. I can never mask the outside, short of throwing a sheet over my head but I always hide the things within. I am unwilling, it seems, to give God reign over all areas of my life, for whatever reason and for that I pay the price on the inside.
Mike, you're such a regular blogger, I'm impressed. I check your blog everyday and appreciate your openess and honesty and just thought I'd drop a comment so you can check out my blog as well. I'm not that devoted, nor very insightful. But I do enjoy blogging about running over gophers in the church parking lot!
By the way, the last comment was from me, Dave, the intern!
Thanks Dave. I will be sure and check out your blog. I find there is always stuff to blog about. I find it easier than talking about it sometimes, or sometimes it would just not make everyday conversation otherwise. ;)
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