Looking at all the comments over the last few days (please note sarcasm here) I was wondering if I offended anyone by some of the last few posts, or maybe I have just bored you to death, or maybe you are all very busy this week. Anyway I am getting up on my soap box again this morning.
Even though I work in a very big church (building size anyway) I can't help but wonder if this is what the church should be like. Do we need these mega size churches? Do we really need to spend millions and millions of dollars on brand new churches? Ones that can be rented out like your neighbourhood community centre? Do they really need to rent out their facilities to (for lack of a better term) "pagan groups" like dance groups, weight watchers, yoga or aerobics, socials, basketball teams and the list can go on. I guess I do not fall into the category that if we rent it to them they will also come to church there. I most likely fall into the category that says, this is not what was meant as missions outreach. I don't see a lot of good in having these different groups of people, bringing in their own "issues and ideals" into the church. To me this smells more of turning God's house into a den of robbers rather than a house of prayer. I think many churches today believe that if you build it they will come. A nice big church with a gym to keep our little kids out of trouble. That's bull. I don't remember reading that anywhere in the book of Acts or anywhere else in the Bible. Can people who have used the church for such functions end up coming to the church, or much more importantly, coming to know Christ? Absolutely. All I am saying is this is not the reason churches exist. People are coming to know Christ because the Spirit of God is working in their hearts, and someone else is obeying God's leading to share the Gospel with them.
I am getting off my soapbox, at least for the moment. I don't say these things to tick you off, I just want to let you know what sometimes ticks me off. We may not agree, and I can live with that, but sometimes the pot needs to be stirred. Having said that, sometimes it doesn't ;) .
I don't have much time, but i think i disagree with you to a point. i think it is more important what is going on in the hearts of the people, who are the real church, than the building. of note.. Jesus' words were to the "Christians" of that day, not to the non-Christians. However... who knows, maybe people think that only religious activities should go on inside the building.
Thanks for the comment. I do agree that what goes on in the hearts of the people matters a lot, because essentially that is who and what we are.
I think there are those who feel that only religious activities should go on in the church, but there are others who probably think that just about anything is okay to take place too.
Hey Mike,
My feet have been flying since they landed back in Sask and promise to be so for the next couple of months. I actually have not been able to check in....so here in the lull I will post my comment.
Great to see you back Deb. I know summers can be an even busier time for people.
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