Saturday, 30 June 2007
Saturday's Statement
Friendships and relationships. Something I know I need on a daily basis. Someone to help and support me in times when I need it, and other times when friends are their to give you that kick in the right direction. I have had both which have been a real blessing. One more thing to thank God for. Sometimes we need to stop and think about the things God has done for us and given to us. Often times I am just to busy to take that time, but it is a great reminder to give thanks and with a grateful heart. All the blessings that we normally take for granted (friends, family, a job, freedom,) and the list can go on. Thanks God.
Friday, 29 June 2007
Friday's Forum
Sliver, toothpick, splinter, 2 X 4. At one time or another I have had any one of these in my eye/s. Boot, shoe and foot I have often tasted as well, at those times when I wish I could take back what I said, but once it crosses the lips the damage has been done. You feel like crawling into the tiny mice hole, but even he won't let you in. We need to be very careful what we say, and choose our words carefully. At times (most) I can be very pot stirrish and easily move to cutting. For the most part I stay off the cutting edge, but once in awhile I cross the line, and realize even as I am speaking that I went to far. James talks about that (come to think of it I blogged on this very topic a few weeks ago....guess I am always in need of reminders). Better to keep my mouth shut and thought a fool then to open my mouth and remove all doubt. As for the splinter and 2 x 4, I am still working on getting that 4 x8 down to a 2 x 4 then down to the more manageable splinter and then a speck.
Thursday, 28 June 2007
Thursday's Ticker
Well Paris is out of jail. How exciting. Did you all watch her on Larry King Live last night? Shame on you ;) You know she was counting on all of us watching!!! It is a great ratings grab. Maybe now she will turn over a new leaf like she said she would. Then again, most people probably hope not. I think the reason most people are so caught up in all of this reality/celebrity idiocy is because it makes them look great by comparison. It is easier to critique someone elses life than to deal with our own. For instance, if I said today, that for the rest of the week on my blog I will start revealing the things behind my mask, viewership would go up. Could go as high as ten hits on the counter :)
We are a curious bunch by nature. We want to know stuff about the people we know and even those we don't know.
We are a curious bunch by nature. We want to know stuff about the people we know and even those we don't know.
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Wednesday's Wash

After painting last week in the youth stairwell I remember how much I hate to paint ceilings. Paint splattering all over (although it adds a nice new color to my hair). When it comes to getting it off and you have to scrub and scrub, especially on the hands around the fingernails. Finally after a few days of scrubbing it is gone. I know most other areas are cleaned up when the paint around the fingernails is all gone. So I am clean on the outside but the inside is as disgusting as ever. It seems I always give enough time to scrubbing and cleaning when there is all the dirt that people can see on the outside of me, but never pay attention to what is going on inside, or even attempt to give God the free reign to clean up in here. I can never mask the outside, short of throwing a sheet over my head but I always hide the things within. I am unwilling, it seems, to give God reign over all areas of my life, for whatever reason and for that I pay the price on the inside.
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Tuesday's Trap
Regrets! Had any? I've had a few? (Hmmm just started remembering the words to Elvis' My Way. Sorry digressing again). How do you deal with them? I have tried to shove them way at the back of my head, but when it gets full they start coming to the front and I start thinking about them again. Some of them just eat away at me until I am able to stuff them further back. It is amazing how the mind can do stuff like that. Like when someone we know, who dies, how quickly we go from an emotional wreck to a point where we go on like nothing happened. Then is starts all over again. You reminisce about that person, and start thinking about all the things you maybe did or said or maybe didn't do or didn't say and regrets start mounting. I realize there is nothing I can do at this point, I can't change history but I can change the present and the future (at least as far as not having as many regrets), by doing and saying the things I should. I came upon this website Good old google. It talks about overcoming serious regrets. Hmmmm just remembering what I said last Thursday in my post about reading other stuff other than the Bible ;) Guess what....there is truth outside the Bible :):):)
As for regrets at this time, yeah, I have shoved them to the back to be dealt with at another time. I'll get to them....tomorrow ;)
As for regrets at this time, yeah, I have shoved them to the back to be dealt with at another time. I'll get to them....tomorrow ;)
Monday, 25 June 2007
Monday's Motivation

Motivation! What motivates you to do something? What helps you reach your goal? I have been lacking motivation for a couple of weeks to do anything. Maybe some of the things that help motivate you will give me the kickstart I need. On weekends I just get into lazy mode and do nothing. Any help would be appreciated.
Sunday, 24 June 2007
Sunday's Sweetness
Human forgiveness is a pretty awesome thing. It can bring healing where there was hurt. It can mend a lifetime of bitterness. It also (I believe), can do miraculous healing within the body. I think that the bitterness that is harbored when someone does you wrong can cause so much inner sickness and turmoil to a person (sorry, no scripture verse to back this up), but forgiveness can bring about healing. God's forgiveness (when we ask for it), covers all the guilt that comes to us when we sin. Unfortunately it does not cover the consequences that so often comes with it. However, He is still with us in those times. Was thinking today, if there are people who I have not forgiven for something they have done to me. If I have not forgiven them, then I can kiss off any forgiveness I ask God for. I need to give forgiveness, even though I may have been hurt by something someone did or said which may have caused me to harbor any kind of bitterness I may still have toward them. So today, if you are looking for something to think about, think on this
P.S. Any answers to questions on yesterday's blog.
P.S. Any answers to questions on yesterday's blog.
Saturday, 23 June 2007
Saturday's Scandal
No rants today... no raves either... just a couple of questions.
1. What is your opinion on the exclusivity of Christianity? People are asking, "Who is to say that Islam or Mormonism or Judaism or Buddhism are not the right religions or the right "God" to follow. Other than faith, believing what the Bible says, is there any other reason to believe that Christianity is the only way. Love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this topic? It is obviously one that as Christians we should have an answer for!
2. Another question to wrestle with is how kids are taught in Sunday School and at home. They are young and very impressionable and will take, for the most part, whatever their teacher or parents say about God/religion. So you are believing only what you have been told. If it was good enough for us, it is good enough for you. For the most part, no questions asked. Almost like choice is not a part of the package. (I know I did not question things then, which is probably why I am questioning things now) Which brings about the next part of this question...that when the kids get older (say in their 20's and 30's) they really don't know why they believe what they believe because they never questioned it or maybe were told not to. Don't get me wrong here. Obviously some parents and teachers have let their kids think and question through some issues, but for the most part I think that is not the norm.
1. What is your opinion on the exclusivity of Christianity? People are asking, "Who is to say that Islam or Mormonism or Judaism or Buddhism are not the right religions or the right "God" to follow. Other than faith, believing what the Bible says, is there any other reason to believe that Christianity is the only way. Love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this topic? It is obviously one that as Christians we should have an answer for!
2. Another question to wrestle with is how kids are taught in Sunday School and at home. They are young and very impressionable and will take, for the most part, whatever their teacher or parents say about God/religion. So you are believing only what you have been told. If it was good enough for us, it is good enough for you. For the most part, no questions asked. Almost like choice is not a part of the package. (I know I did not question things then, which is probably why I am questioning things now) Which brings about the next part of this question...that when the kids get older (say in their 20's and 30's) they really don't know why they believe what they believe because they never questioned it or maybe were told not to. Don't get me wrong here. Obviously some parents and teachers have let their kids think and question through some issues, but for the most part I think that is not the norm.
Friday, 22 June 2007
Friday's Freak-out
Well I had thought I had seen it all last month after talking about things that people buy for their pets. Well life just got a little stupider in this world we live in. What could be worse than your dog wearing "Indian feathers" or a Top hat for your cat. How about a rest home? That's right a ridiculous rest home for the pet as they grow too old for you to care at home. You can pay some 450.00 British pounds a month or the equivalent of $955.00 CDN to have your dog in this place. Included in this is that the old dogs will be accompanied for part of their day by a group of puppies. The younger dogs will serve to cheer up and stimulate the veterans and could even, serve to remind dogs that have grown senile and forgetful of how to behave properly. I can't believe this. How stupid are people. Never mind. Wait there is more ... when a dog is deemed by the vets to be at death’s door, it will be moved to a special suite large enough for its owner to stay with it during the final hours. A canine chapel of rest is conveniently situated behind the main building. It gets worse as you read on in the article..., "F (that's not my abbreviated F) by Design, a grooming parlour in Naka Meguro, Tokyo, offers dog haircuts that include a massage as standard. Clay packs, “minus ion” steam baths and Chinese herb hot tubs are offered as optional extras Wake up people. What is next? Oh I know, and you are probably wishing you had thought of it first. Driving lessons for dogs. No really. It comes with a feed bag just under his chin, a wireless headset for him to answer calls from his freaking puppies waiting to be picked up and one more thing that they cannot live without, a fire hydrant right where the stick shift would be so he does not have to make numerous stops. It is a pet, not a human being, and there is a distinction. Unless you believe that your pet is going to heaven...but only if he has said the ....OK never mind. Before you start thinking I am an animal hater, I am not. I just get pissed off when people put the worth of animals above humans. In the end it is still just an animal . Animals are here for a purpose, some are yummy, others are pets, some would say both.
Thursday, 21 June 2007
Thursday's Trying Times
Yesterday I left off venting about all the Christian literature out there. Just think how much money could be usefully used to spread the gospel around the world if we didn't spend so much money on this stuff. Yeah I know, there is money wasted on a lot of other things out there, but we can all do our own part. Okay, I have probably ticked you off or offended you enough I need to move on to rant #2 and possibly offend some more ;). Vent #2, is somewhat connected.
Remember the days when we used to have Bible studies and actually studied the Bible. Nowadays we pick some book by some author (self-help, or pardon the expression get rich quick prayer of Jabez book). Maybe we have strayed so far from the truth that we really don't have a clue what the truth is. We are so engrossed in what Dr. Phil or Oprah have to say on a certain subject that we come so close as to worship these people. They are certainly more entertaining (and they should be) than the Pastor on Sunday (yeah I know how would I know) I mean after all some people watch them (Phil and Opie) 5 days a week and only have to listen to the pastor once. You can tell I don't give a rip what either of them has to say regardless of the subject. If people had common sense they would come up with the same answers as they do.
Anyone interested in a Bible study, let me know (really, I am serious). I love conversation that makes me think. I used to hate to have to think, but now it gives me something to do. My head is no longer void (although maybe after reading my blogs this week you are thinking that hmmm maybe it is!) :)
Remember the days when we used to have Bible studies and actually studied the Bible. Nowadays we pick some book by some author (self-help, or pardon the expression get rich quick prayer of Jabez book). Maybe we have strayed so far from the truth that we really don't have a clue what the truth is. We are so engrossed in what Dr. Phil or Oprah have to say on a certain subject that we come so close as to worship these people. They are certainly more entertaining (and they should be) than the Pastor on Sunday (yeah I know how would I know) I mean after all some people watch them (Phil and Opie) 5 days a week and only have to listen to the pastor once. You can tell I don't give a rip what either of them has to say regardless of the subject. If people had common sense they would come up with the same answers as they do.
Anyone interested in a Bible study, let me know (really, I am serious). I love conversation that makes me think. I used to hate to have to think, but now it gives me something to do. My head is no longer void (although maybe after reading my blogs this week you are thinking that hmmm maybe it is!) :)
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Wednesday's Worthless Writings
As you can see by today's title you may not want to read today's and tomorrow's blog if you are easily offended. I am sure when I ask questions like these or blog what even I consider negative stuff, I should probably stop and think for a month or two. However if you know me well enough my attention span is short, and I would forget by the time what was I saying????
Every time I ask a question, I get another question. I have to come to understand I will never get all the answers to my questions here on earth, but I will always come up with more questions.
Today's question....Why is it we have so much Christian literature? Do we really need it all? Are there not enough teachings in the Bible to tell us how to live? Is it not the be all and end all for self help books? Why do we need so much more literature on something the Bible already answers? My guess, is we read these books because we identify more with the author and what they are going through, and we can say yeah, that is what I am going through? Maybe the Bible is old and outdated (note sarcasm) or maybe it is because these books are written now, not 2000 years ago??? hmmm Maybe??? hmmm Maybe these books deal with issues of "The mask".... some do...are they helpful??? I don't know, I don't want to go into some store and look let alone ask for a book that deal with .......(fill in the mask) ;)
We never really get the answers we want, but just knowing that someone else is going through what I am going through is helpful. Why do we not take our "problems" straight to God, rather than someone else? Do we want to wallow in our self pity (sometimes), never getting the answer that probably only God has for us? To conclude briefly here, I do not want to condemn all these books, some of which can be quite useful, (hey if it helps and scripture backs it up, then more power to us), but don't use it as the Gospel to give you the answers to everyday life. To be continued tomorrow because I still have a question that relates to what I said today.
Was I sarcastic today, hmmmm maybe! hmmmmm Maybe not!!! ;)
Every time I ask a question, I get another question. I have to come to understand I will never get all the answers to my questions here on earth, but I will always come up with more questions.
Today's question....Why is it we have so much Christian literature? Do we really need it all? Are there not enough teachings in the Bible to tell us how to live? Is it not the be all and end all for self help books? Why do we need so much more literature on something the Bible already answers? My guess, is we read these books because we identify more with the author and what they are going through, and we can say yeah, that is what I am going through? Maybe the Bible is old and outdated (note sarcasm) or maybe it is because these books are written now, not 2000 years ago??? hmmm Maybe??? hmmm Maybe these books deal with issues of "The mask".... some do...are they helpful??? I don't know, I don't want to go into some store and look let alone ask for a book that deal with .......(fill in the mask) ;)
We never really get the answers we want, but just knowing that someone else is going through what I am going through is helpful. Why do we not take our "problems" straight to God, rather than someone else? Do we want to wallow in our self pity (sometimes), never getting the answer that probably only God has for us? To conclude briefly here, I do not want to condemn all these books, some of which can be quite useful, (hey if it helps and scripture backs it up, then more power to us), but don't use it as the Gospel to give you the answers to everyday life. To be continued tomorrow because I still have a question that relates to what I said today.
Was I sarcastic today, hmmmm maybe! hmmmmm Maybe not!!! ;)
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Tuesday's Try
Yesterday I talked a bit about challenges and goals in life and how I need to be challenged by others as well as myself. I know if I needed to lose weight, I could do it no problem, but I need a reason to do that. If I needed to eat healthier I could do that as long as it did not include the ingesting of veggies, that is just wrong. Ain't gonna happen ;) However, if I was told by a doctor that if I continued eating the way I am I would be dead in ten years, I think I might change my eating habits. There is a goal and challenge before me - eat healthier - live longer. There has to be a goal at the end of the challenge, I mean why do it otherwise? Work is a challenge some days, but the goal is the pay cheque. Eating healthier is an extreme challenge to me, but the goal is living longer (maybe - ahh the skeptic in me). I am currently working on a list of "resolutions" of challenges/goals for myself that will involve physical and spiritual aspects. I find if I don't set a goal before me, it won't happen. I need the "pot of gold' at the end of the rainbow. I need to be able to say "I did it", and then open the prize. There is a great deal of satisfaction in accomplishing what I set out to do. Now, having said all that, when it comes to completing spiritual goals, I know it is not necessarily something I did, but I still had to make that commitment to do what God asks of me and that is much harder (to me) than doing something for myself that in the end don't mean a thing. To me, the spiritual challenges and goals...the end result is heaven, if there were no heaven or something to strive for, I would not see the purpose of doing anything remotely spiritual if I knew the end result were just rotting in the ground. I mean, why would I? Right? But I do believe there is a heaven, and that Christ died and rose so that someday I will be there with Him. For me to get there requires me to believe in Him ... it also involves a commitment to Him, to doing what He asks, not the "easy believe ism" (I said the prayer so I am there) that some people think will get them to heaven.
Monday, 18 June 2007
Monday's Map

Do you ever stop and wonder how church as we know it will change over the next say 20 years. It certainly seems that most churches are experiencing a sharp decline in attendance overall. Is it that people just don't find it relevant for them, is it because of the way Christianity is portrayed in the media, is it because there is so much other stuff we could be doing, or maybe we feel we just don't have to go (at this time I am in this group). Certainly for me, I can get enough sermons or preaching on TV or online to keep me fed for years and years. The downfall I see of not going to church is lack of fellowship (if I had tons of friends, I would probably not miss out on that) and another downfall is whatever gifts I possess would not be used (at least not in the fellowship of the church). I would love to ask people who don't go to church why they don't go. Obviously if you are not a Christian then why would you go, but for those who profess to be Christians, then why are they not going. For me, at this time there are many reasons I don't go. Honestly I find it boring, way too long, I don't care for the music and on and on. Now this is all based on my present spiritual situation. There was a time, albeit a brief one, when I can remember going to church and even looking forward to it. That was probably over 15 years ago. Not exactly sure what happened that put out that fire or desire but it just extinguished. I believe that all of the things that we go through in life (good and bad - especially bad) can taint our view of why we do what we do. I am sure that when people close to me died, I felt really ripped at God, (looking back now - especially at the time of my Dad's, Mom's and sister's death). Maybe by the time John passed away I was either desensitized or a little more grown up in my faith (hmmmm), probably the former, because I feel I still have lots of growing up to do in the latter. Do I blame God for that? I probably did, but then figured that if God loved me so much it is not His will that we have these really negative thoughts toward Him. So as far as growing in my faith, No I can honestly say I am not there. Searching? Yeah. But that is only part of what I need to do. Doing is really the hardest part. Like I have said in previous posts or comments I can do a lot of things when I set my mind to it, (I need the challenge of others and from myself - what motivates me), but there is always something else that is more appealing than that actual goal. Kind of like it says in Galatians 5:7-10 At one point I was running a good race, stumbling here and there but getting right back up so as to finish it. Now, I have taken the fork in the road, and this road is broad and we know what happens to those who enter it. It is not an easy road to get off once you are on it either!
Sunday, 17 June 2007
Sunday's Soap-box

Looking at all the comments over the last few days (please note sarcasm here) I was wondering if I offended anyone by some of the last few posts, or maybe I have just bored you to death, or maybe you are all very busy this week. Anyway I am getting up on my soap box again this morning.
Even though I work in a very big church (building size anyway) I can't help but wonder if this is what the church should be like. Do we need these mega size churches? Do we really need to spend millions and millions of dollars on brand new churches? Ones that can be rented out like your neighbourhood community centre? Do they really need to rent out their facilities to (for lack of a better term) "pagan groups" like dance groups, weight watchers, yoga or aerobics, socials, basketball teams and the list can go on. I guess I do not fall into the category that if we rent it to them they will also come to church there. I most likely fall into the category that says, this is not what was meant as missions outreach. I don't see a lot of good in having these different groups of people, bringing in their own "issues and ideals" into the church. To me this smells more of turning God's house into a den of robbers rather than a house of prayer. I think many churches today believe that if you build it they will come. A nice big church with a gym to keep our little kids out of trouble. That's bull. I don't remember reading that anywhere in the book of Acts or anywhere else in the Bible. Can people who have used the church for such functions end up coming to the church, or much more importantly, coming to know Christ? Absolutely. All I am saying is this is not the reason churches exist. People are coming to know Christ because the Spirit of God is working in their hearts, and someone else is obeying God's leading to share the Gospel with them.
I am getting off my soapbox, at least for the moment. I don't say these things to tick you off, I just want to let you know what sometimes ticks me off. We may not agree, and I can live with that, but sometimes the pot needs to be stirred. Having said that, sometimes it doesn't ;) .
Saturday, 16 June 2007
Saturday's Spiel
The vine and the branches John 15:1-8. A great illustration given by Jesus of how we are connected to God. Jesus is the vine, we are the branches, and God is the gardener, who prunes us so that we can bear more fruit. Those branches that do not produce any fruit are good for nothing and are not worthy of a having a place in the vine...these branches are thrown into the fire. The branches that do bear fruit are the ones that are abiding in the vine. Apart from the vine the branch can do nothing (vs. 5) likewise, apart from Christ, we can do nothing. In Christ we have our all, and can do all. I can only guess when it says in vs. 5 that we can do nothing, that it does not have the significance as far as God is concerned. What we do without God is nothing.
Friday, 15 June 2007
Friday's Freshness!
Hmmm freshness, new, or just different. No blog today, I am lazy and a little tired. What's on your mind? You tell me what you wanna talk about. Maybe Friday's could be like Dear Abby or Miss lonely hearts :). You ask Dear Arnold and I will get back to you.
Thursday, 14 June 2007
Thursday's Torment
We know what the Bible says about divorce (see Matt.19, Mark 10 and I Corinth. 7). What are some of your thoughts on this? We can probably argue that abuse (both physical and verbal) would be grounds for divorce. How about unhappiness? I am sure some/most of you have seen marriages where you look at a couple who have either been married a short time or some who have been married 40 and 50 years and ask yourself, why the heck are these people married, (there are happier people in prison - maybe cause they are apart from their spouse j/k). Is unhappiness and the unwillingness to work at a marriage grounds for divorce? Let me put it another way. Would you stay in a marriage where you were extremely miserable and you and your partner were unwilling to try and work it out? Is your decision based on the Bible, or at that point do you even care, you just want out! So many factors may help you make the decision (there are kids involved, what will family/friends think, there will be financial hardship, I will lose the house, I will have to get a job, who will get the kids and I am sure there are more). I know most of us probably believe that God can see us through any and all situations, including a miserable marriage. Does he want us to be miserable? I sure hope not. Maybe you have already had discussions similar to this with these questions, as I have had yesterday and many other times with friends. Feel free to comment anonymously if you are uncomfortable sharing your views. I guess in a sense my question to you may involve an answer that does not necessarily line up with scripture. There are lots of other topics we could cover that people deal with on a daily basis (pain and suffering, abortion, forsaking the poor, same sex marriage, etc). Maybe you have one you would like to discuss, this just happens to be one that came up today in conversation. Also, how do we (the church), minister to these people who make the decision to leave?
i would say a penny for your thoughts, but i know they are not that cheap.
i would say a penny for your thoughts, but i know they are not that cheap.
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
Wednesday's Wrongdoings
Thought we could use some midweek humour. These are actual mistakes from church bulletins.
Don't let worry kill you - let the church help.
This afternoon there will be a meeting in the South and North ends of the church. Children will be baptized at both ends.
At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be "What is Hell?" Come early and listen to our choir practice.
Weight Watchers will meet at 7:00 pm at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use the large double door at the side entrance.
Low Self-Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 to 8:30 p.m. Please use the back door.
Next Sunday a special collection will be taken to defray the cost of the new carpet. All those wishing to do something on the new carpet will come forward and do so.
Ladies, don’t forget the rummage sale. It’s a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Don’t forget your husbands.
Miss Charlene Mason sang, “I will not pass this way again,” giving obvious pleasure to the congregation.
Barbara remains in the hospital and needs blood donors for more transfusions. She is also having trouble sleeping and requests tapes of Pastor Jack’s sermons.
Enjoy your day today.
Don't let worry kill you - let the church help.
This afternoon there will be a meeting in the South and North ends of the church. Children will be baptized at both ends.
At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be "What is Hell?" Come early and listen to our choir practice.
Weight Watchers will meet at 7:00 pm at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use the large double door at the side entrance.
Low Self-Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 to 8:30 p.m. Please use the back door.
Next Sunday a special collection will be taken to defray the cost of the new carpet. All those wishing to do something on the new carpet will come forward and do so.
Ladies, don’t forget the rummage sale. It’s a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Don’t forget your husbands.
Miss Charlene Mason sang, “I will not pass this way again,” giving obvious pleasure to the congregation.
Barbara remains in the hospital and needs blood donors for more transfusions. She is also having trouble sleeping and requests tapes of Pastor Jack’s sermons.
Enjoy your day today.
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
Tuesday's Thrust
If you don't feel like being challenged today, you may not want to read the blog. I just finished reading the book "Revolution in World Missions", and I have been so challenged by many of the things the author is saying. In one of the chapters the author, K.P. Yohannan talks about purpose and how all of us are called for a purpose. He recounts a story of a conversation with an 8 year old boy where he asked him several questions.
"What are you doing", I asked the lad.
"I go to school".
"Why do you go to school?"
"To study."
"Why do you study?"
"To get smart." said the boy.
"Why do you want to get smart?"
"So I can get a good job."
"Why do you want to get a good job?"
" So I can make lots of money."
"Why do you want to make lots of money?"
"So I can buy food."
"Why do you want to eat?"
"To live." said the boy.
"Why do you want to live?"
At that point, the little boy thought for a minute, scratched his head, looked me in the face and said, "Sir, why do I live?" He paused for a moment in mid-thought, then gave his own sad answer, "To die!"
The question is the same for all of us: Why do we live? What is the basic purpose of your living in this world, as you claim to be a disciple of Christ? Is it to accumulate wealth, fame or fortune, etc?
No, the purpose of the believer is to obey Jesus when he said in the great commission, "Go into the world, and preach the Gospel."
If all of your concern is about your life, your job, your clothes, your children's clothes, healthy bodies, a good education, a good job and marriage, then your concerns are no different from a heathen's in Bhutan, Myanmar or India.
He then says how Jesus' goal here on earth was to do the will of the Father.
I definitely have a lot of re-examining to do in my life. This book has challenged me through-out.
If anyone would like a copy of this book let me know.
"What are you doing", I asked the lad.
"I go to school".
"Why do you go to school?"
"To study."
"Why do you study?"
"To get smart." said the boy.
"Why do you want to get smart?"
"So I can get a good job."
"Why do you want to get a good job?"
" So I can make lots of money."
"Why do you want to make lots of money?"
"So I can buy food."
"Why do you want to eat?"
"To live." said the boy.
"Why do you want to live?"
At that point, the little boy thought for a minute, scratched his head, looked me in the face and said, "Sir, why do I live?" He paused for a moment in mid-thought, then gave his own sad answer, "To die!"
The question is the same for all of us: Why do we live? What is the basic purpose of your living in this world, as you claim to be a disciple of Christ? Is it to accumulate wealth, fame or fortune, etc?
No, the purpose of the believer is to obey Jesus when he said in the great commission, "Go into the world, and preach the Gospel."
If all of your concern is about your life, your job, your clothes, your children's clothes, healthy bodies, a good education, a good job and marriage, then your concerns are no different from a heathen's in Bhutan, Myanmar or India.
He then says how Jesus' goal here on earth was to do the will of the Father.
I definitely have a lot of re-examining to do in my life. This book has challenged me through-out.
If anyone would like a copy of this book let me know.
Monday, 11 June 2007
Monday's Messages
Random thoughts. Thoughts that have been popping up in my head this morning. My head is kind of like popcorn some times, the kernels (ideas) just start popping and I start thinking.
1. New job, is it time? My back is so sore this weekend, but do i make a decision based on that (does not help either with having to go in this morning for a couple of hours). My back is sore most of the time from work, but who is to say it will be any better anywhere else. 2. The possibility of moving to Winnipeg before I am 50. Sure anything is possible, but I find that the desire to go has dwindled lately, could be fear of starting all over again (after working for at a job for so long you do get comfortable), could be the making of new friends (after all it is easier to leave when you don't have any or many to stay for). Would it be good to go back to live around family (I think so, but am I leaning that way because I don't have as much family left?). Not much else going on this morning for ideas, but it's early. maybe I will continue another time. So, go, stay, work, Winnipeg? What do you think?
1. New job, is it time? My back is so sore this weekend, but do i make a decision based on that (does not help either with having to go in this morning for a couple of hours). My back is sore most of the time from work, but who is to say it will be any better anywhere else. 2. The possibility of moving to Winnipeg before I am 50. Sure anything is possible, but I find that the desire to go has dwindled lately, could be fear of starting all over again (after working for at a job for so long you do get comfortable), could be the making of new friends (after all it is easier to leave when you don't have any or many to stay for). Would it be good to go back to live around family (I think so, but am I leaning that way because I don't have as much family left?). Not much else going on this morning for ideas, but it's early. maybe I will continue another time. So, go, stay, work, Winnipeg? What do you think?
Sunday, 10 June 2007
Sunday's Stupidity
Totally off my usual topics, well at least of late. Just wanted to rant about the idiocy that some call "Sustenance for Life". First it was OJ then it was Michael Jackson, then Anna Nicole Smith and now it is Paris Hilton.... the difference between them all, well the first two were found not guilty for something they did, and Anna well who can forgot that when she died all people cared about was who the freaking father was. At last word, OJ was still looking for his wife's killer on some golf course in Florida, and Michael Jackson was looking to open up a daycare in Beijing. As for Anna Nicole, rumour has it she may not have died but is in fact living in Graceland with Elvis in his basement. And you thought he had left the building. Now we have to be inundated with news that poor Paris proceeds to prison. We have to hear about her hair being unkempt ( I couldn't tell), no make up (Well a slight improvement), and she will not be allowed to wear her designer clothes (maybe she looks good in stripes). Poor Poor Paris. Your in prison. Why is it we give so much air time to air heads.... (I guess because the media knows those watching are also airheads). People lap it up like a dog at the fountain who hasn't drank in a day. At least the dog knows when he has had enough to drink. I remember when we were in Jamaica in January and heard about Anna-Nicole Smith dying. One lady on her lounger, was telling us how she spent an hour on the phone that morning with her mom talking about the whole thing. MORONS. We have nothing better to do than to watch the National Enquirer come to life on CNN, I don't get CNN but I know enough of them to know how they love to sensationalize the news. Do I care that she is in prison. Nope. Isn't that where you go when you break the law....I guess it depends which law you break at least in California. if it were murder, she would be back home, lounging around the house in her designer dress, getting a manicure and wondering what she can do next to keep her name in the entertainment news and on the lips of the stupid people that watch it. Speaking of which, I better go get updated so I can keep all of my readers informed. Oops the phone is ringing, hang on. WOW it is CNN and they want me to come and write the news for them. Now what was that I was saying just the other day about wanting another job!!! What's that? Awww bummer, must be U.S. citizen, and dumber than a sack of hammers....hmmmmmm hmmmmmmm (I heard that). Guess you are all stuck with me ..... for now!
Saturday, 9 June 2007
Saturday's Support
I sure hope to catch up on some lost sleep hours this weekend. Most mornings been up before 3:00, and amazingly it is still dark outside. ;) Feel really draggy this morning. Work till noon, then back to work in the evening for a few hours after 9:00. Anyone know of any jobs available? Hmmm, hmmmmm, hmmmmmm. Then I think of your job SR, no way. You can keep it and the fact that you love your career is extra bonus. Your job Amanda/Manda/Mandy (hehehe), no. I could not even think of homeschooling 1 kids let alone 3. My one would have to be the teacher.
And I certainly would not want to do my wife's job. Complaining customers (except me - cause I am not allowed to go through her lane). I even refuse to go through the self serve tills a the east store. I am sure there are some jobs that I would like to do out there somewhere, maybe like you "kids", when I grow up I will know what I want to be. WHATEVER ;)~
So why am I whining about all this....because my back hurts and because I can! Also I want to let you know that you all do a great job in the work you have chosen. I either don't want to or can't do the things that you are doing but I can support and encourage you all or y'all in what you are doing. Do you get lots of encouragement in your job? Those days you don't get any, I sure pray and hope that God whispers to you how important you are to what you are doing but more importantly to HIM. Do our jobs really matter.....hmmmm to a degree, yes, (we can discuss this another time). What we do with them can make a difference, hopefully to the benefit of others. Think of those people who, or is it whom, I think it's whom, (I know I'm digressing shhhhh) you come into contact with for only a few minutes. That time you spent with them (believe it or not) could make all the difference in the world to them. Make the most (as I am sure you do) of what you do and what you say. We won't see the results until eternity. When we don't make the most of those times and if people see us in that short period of time in a bad light, we may also see the results of that in eternity also. Have a great weekend y'all.
And I certainly would not want to do my wife's job. Complaining customers (except me - cause I am not allowed to go through her lane). I even refuse to go through the self serve tills a the east store. I am sure there are some jobs that I would like to do out there somewhere, maybe like you "kids", when I grow up I will know what I want to be. WHATEVER ;)~
So why am I whining about all this....because my back hurts and because I can! Also I want to let you know that you all do a great job in the work you have chosen. I either don't want to or can't do the things that you are doing but I can support and encourage you all or y'all in what you are doing. Do you get lots of encouragement in your job? Those days you don't get any, I sure pray and hope that God whispers to you how important you are to what you are doing but more importantly to HIM. Do our jobs really matter.....hmmmm to a degree, yes, (we can discuss this another time). What we do with them can make a difference, hopefully to the benefit of others. Think of those people who, or is it whom, I think it's whom, (I know I'm digressing shhhhh) you come into contact with for only a few minutes. That time you spent with them (believe it or not) could make all the difference in the world to them. Make the most (as I am sure you do) of what you do and what you say. We won't see the results until eternity. When we don't make the most of those times and if people see us in that short period of time in a bad light, we may also see the results of that in eternity also. Have a great weekend y'all.
Friday, 8 June 2007
Friday's foresight
Yesterday we were talking about the tongue, and when it is okay to tell someone something about somebody else, for their protection. In the next few verses in James after the taming of the tongue it talks about wisdom and understanding and that the "...wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure, then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy, and good fruit, impartial and sincere." Then it concluses that "peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness." Thank God for grace, because after looking at the list, I stopped after pure. I think that even in the wisdom that God has given us, we will know in our spirit when what we are saying is for someones elses protection or merely gossip.
Thursday, 7 June 2007
Thursday's Talk
The tongue. How hard it is to control and as it says a verse earlier in James "No man can tame the tongue". One of the hardest, there are many hard things for me to do and many that are hard for me not to do, but taming my tongue is right up there at number 1 or two. Controlling what I think is right next to it. As I read these verses I am thinking, crap, this is a big struggle. Sometimes it can come out in the form of gossip, other times it is just downright rude, and I am not even referring to my stirring the pot...although that can be part of it.... if I have ever stirred your pot and you have been hurt. If this has ever been the case, I need to know ,& you need to confront me on it or how will I know when I go too far. We have talked about accountability, well it would certainly include this.
The tongue: That verse: ...praise God and then the next minute say %#$@ you. Matthew 5:22 says anyone who calls his brother a fool is in danger of the fires of hell. I remember in Africa how I was with a group of other AYC "kids", and we were talking with the missionary, and one of them said to the missionary, oh you fool. One of the Africans ran for his Bible and brought it to his attention of what it said in Matthew. The missionary talked to the person at length that what the person had called him was not meant with the intent in which it was spoken. Makes me want to be more careful in what I say, and take my time before I say it. I remember being told that a diplomat thinks twice before saying nothing. Hmmm digressing??? maybe...All this to say. I need to watch what I say, and what I think. All these things to remember ... but on the bright side, friends to keep me accountable. That's your job friends.
The tongue: That verse: ...praise God and then the next minute say %#$@ you. Matthew 5:22 says anyone who calls his brother a fool is in danger of the fires of hell. I remember in Africa how I was with a group of other AYC "kids", and we were talking with the missionary, and one of them said to the missionary, oh you fool. One of the Africans ran for his Bible and brought it to his attention of what it said in Matthew. The missionary talked to the person at length that what the person had called him was not meant with the intent in which it was spoken. Makes me want to be more careful in what I say, and take my time before I say it. I remember being told that a diplomat thinks twice before saying nothing. Hmmm digressing??? maybe...All this to say. I need to watch what I say, and what I think. All these things to remember ... but on the bright side, friends to keep me accountable. That's your job friends.
Wednesday, 6 June 2007
Wednesday's Worth
Well I finally finished reading Ecclesiastes. Most of it I found... okay this is depressing, everything is meaningless, life, riches, wisdom, you name it. Man, it sounds like I could have written this about two months ago as i began searching. At that point I was thinking, what is life all about if this is it. (In fact, believe it or not, that is the very first blog I started to write, but never finished it or published it on the page). One of the first times I heard Billy Graham speak, probably 25 years ago at a crusade (TV), he said "what's life all about if this is it, you live a short time, then you die, then it's all over? There is a meaning to life and a purpose." Amazing I still remember word for word what he said then, but did I pay attention for these past 25 years (must be the Eeyore in me - stubborn old mule). Oh yeah, foolishness too says Ecclesiastes is also meaningless. As you read in chapter 12, at the end of the book the conclusion is given....great place to put one, maybe I should have started there. Live and learn right...hmmmmmm, hmmmm and one more hmmmm. So, the conclusion you ask, I heard you ask :)~, it says in Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
Shouldn't that make us think, at least for a minute.
After you leave this page, most of you, like me, will forget what I blogged about today, but if you remember anything, remember those two verses. Should that not scare the sugar twin out of us (sorry for the low calorie cussing), to watch how we live? Well, back to the grind, have a nice one.
Shouldn't that make us think, at least for a minute.
After you leave this page, most of you, like me, will forget what I blogged about today, but if you remember anything, remember those two verses. Should that not scare the sugar twin out of us (sorry for the low calorie cussing), to watch how we live? Well, back to the grind, have a nice one.
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
Tuesday's Task
Thinking thinking hmmmm Weekend for the most part was quite unproductive, except for the BBQ last night. Looking back over what I did with my weekend, makes me think I need to be accountable, not only to Marlene but also wondering about the people in the church bloggers small group if they are up for it. Now I have to be honest here, for the most part I don't mind sharing a lot of stuff on the blog because I don't care what people think about what I am blogging. This is me. I think that if you (church bloggers) are willing, maybe we could start up our own accountability group. Think about, pray about it, let each other know.
Monday, 4 June 2007
Monday's Mesh
Short and simple today.
Friendship - Whats it mean to you? - wikipedia says this about it.
What to you are some of the important things you look for in a friend or in a friendship. (If you don't feel comfortable blogging it here, email it to each other).
Here are some quotes on friendship that I think apply when I think of what friends mean to me.
"Friends are the siblings we never had".
"You'll always be my best friend, you know too much!"
"When it hurts to look back and your scared to look ahead you can look beside you and your best friend will be there."
Best Friends Listen to what you dont say.
"People never know how special someone is until they leave, but maybe sometimes its important to leave, so they are given that chance to see how special that someone really is!"
Video - You find out who you're friends are.
Friendship - Whats it mean to you? - wikipedia says this about it.
What to you are some of the important things you look for in a friend or in a friendship. (If you don't feel comfortable blogging it here, email it to each other).
Here are some quotes on friendship that I think apply when I think of what friends mean to me.
"Friends are the siblings we never had".
"You'll always be my best friend, you know too much!"
"When it hurts to look back and your scared to look ahead you can look beside you and your best friend will be there."
Best Friends Listen to what you dont say.
"People never know how special someone is until they leave, but maybe sometimes its important to leave, so they are given that chance to see how special that someone really is!"
Video - You find out who you're friends are.
Sunday, 3 June 2007
Sunday's Service
Well it was a fairly uneventful in the morning, shopping for tomorrow's BBQ at the park, reading and hmmmm the casino....who me? Nah? The mask of Mike...such a complicated thing. I did not even do a Tim Horton's run... hmmm
Okay that book I have been reading has been a major challenge every page, let alone every chapter. I don't mind some challenges every now and then, but every day. I think the BBQ will be enough of a challenge just to stay dry, but that is an easy challenge compared to living the Christian life, at least most of the times.
Was thinking, the other day I mentioned about spiritual gifts...can I use them if I don't go to would think.... right??? I am asking the churched people this question (that includes those who go to church in the parking lot - so don't try and get out of this one). What is the purpose of spiritual gifts? To edify the church ....right? To edify one another also?
Okay, just for you Amanda, here is a riddle of the week.
If I say "Everything I tell you is a lie," am I telling you the truth or a lie?
Bonus riddle.....
If your sock drawer has 6 black socks, 4 brown socks, 8 white socks, and 2 tan socks, how many socks would you have to pull out in the dark to be sure you had a matching pair?
Okay that book I have been reading has been a major challenge every page, let alone every chapter. I don't mind some challenges every now and then, but every day. I think the BBQ will be enough of a challenge just to stay dry, but that is an easy challenge compared to living the Christian life, at least most of the times.
Was thinking, the other day I mentioned about spiritual gifts...can I use them if I don't go to would think.... right??? I am asking the churched people this question (that includes those who go to church in the parking lot - so don't try and get out of this one). What is the purpose of spiritual gifts? To edify the church ....right? To edify one another also?
Okay, just for you Amanda, here is a riddle of the week.
If I say "Everything I tell you is a lie," am I telling you the truth or a lie?
Bonus riddle.....
If your sock drawer has 6 black socks, 4 brown socks, 8 white socks, and 2 tan socks, how many socks would you have to pull out in the dark to be sure you had a matching pair?
Saturday, 2 June 2007
Saturday's Suck Sometimes
Well this should make for a quiet blog day today as far as comments with a lot of people out of town. For the next week + I am "baching" it. I am a terrible bachelor, get bored really quick, I mean there is only so much TV worth watching, and a couple of hours on the computer is lots. Reading, yeah I will do some. What to do, what to do, Hmmmm casino anyone :)
One topic I would like to talk about is what ticks you off the it gossip, back biting/stabbing, people who complain, people who swear ( %$#^ just asking here ;).
Gossip really bothers me, especially when they are talking about my friends. I am getting much better lately. I will now and then, cut in, depending on the person. There is way too much of these things going on in Christian circles. Another thing (what's that you say - there is more) that really really scratches the chalk board with finger nails is whispering. You walk by and all of a sudden it goes from regular tone talking to whispering. &*%$# (oops sorry for those offended by swearing - close your eyes). If you have something to say to me say it to my face, at least I know where you stand with me. What's your beef!!!!!
If I don't get back to your comments real soon, I have gone to the casino. Have a great one.
One topic I would like to talk about is what ticks you off the it gossip, back biting/stabbing, people who complain, people who swear ( %$#^ just asking here ;).
Gossip really bothers me, especially when they are talking about my friends. I am getting much better lately. I will now and then, cut in, depending on the person. There is way too much of these things going on in Christian circles. Another thing (what's that you say - there is more) that really really scratches the chalk board with finger nails is whispering. You walk by and all of a sudden it goes from regular tone talking to whispering. &*%$# (oops sorry for those offended by swearing - close your eyes). If you have something to say to me say it to my face, at least I know where you stand with me. What's your beef!!!!!
If I don't get back to your comments real soon, I have gone to the casino. Have a great one.
Friday, 1 June 2007
Friday Favor
Today is that one topic you have just been dying to talk about on the blog. Well, okay maybe not. Spiritual gifts (That's not what you thought,right?) The other day on the "church blog" we discussed rewards in heaven, and one of the passages talked about talents, and minas. When I read the parable of the talents I think of it as we are all given spiritual gifts, some one or two, some 5 some ten some more. Do we use those gifts that we have been given? Maybe you think the verse is talking about something else, I would like to hear your opinion. Now having said that, do you know what your spiritual gifts are? and the obvious follow up question is are you using it? Anyone wanna start, awwww thanks Su-ann I knew you would just want to jump in on this one ;) Some of the gifts are helps, giving, mercy, hospitality, faith, discernment, knowledge, wisdom, prophecy, exhortation, pastor, teacher, evangelist, healing, miracles, tongues, interpretation of tongues. Are there others?
P.S. We had a great evening with all of you last night. Thanks for everything ... food, fun and especially your friendship.
P.S. We had a great evening with all of you last night. Thanks for everything ... food, fun and especially your friendship.
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