Commercials are all over the TV lately with athletes asking "Do you believe". Not asking about your faith in a higher being, but whether we believe that they can perform well in the upcoming 2010 Olympics. I think to myself, I don't really care.... not because I don't love sports, I do. But my problem is it is just a sport, and I think we put way too much emphasis on things in life that don't matter. For instance, Leno vrs Conan, Tiger and Elin, or John and Kate, or who will win the Superbowl. I mean really, who cares....after all none of those previously mentioned things don't mean $#!% to me nor should they affect me. There are way too many things more important that that crap.... yet we seem to get caught up in it because that is all everyone else is talking about.
So back to the question at hand....Do I believe? Hmmmm,,,,, Over the past several months I often ask and think to myself "What do I really believe?" I say (with ease) I believe in God creator of the world and in Jesus Christ his only Son. I can say that, but a lot of the times what I do and what I think do not go hand in hand with what I say. Which makes me wonder if I really do believe what I say I do. If I did believe what I say I do, would I not live according to that. Then I started thinking, if I don't believe what I say I do, then why am I living like I am. Let me explain. If I do not (or if you do not) believe in God and Jesus Christ then why are you living like you do/should. Why try to do good, why bother helping your fellow man if all you believe is that you live, pay your taxes and die. Shouldn't I/you party all the time and do whatever because in the "scheme" of life, it does not matter because there is no heaven or hell that we are trying to get into our stay out of.
What got me thinking about this was observing others (friends, strangers, acquaintances) and how they lived, talked etc. Then I started the comparison test. You know the one ..... comparing them to me. For the most part people were a lot like me. Some were much nicer, thoughtful, caring, loving etc. Some were just plain &&$*^( .... let's say mean (all that matters is what I think - I am sure you know people like that). None of these people had or have a faith in God ...... so what makes them live as they do. Likely how they were brought up, and how society and the media tell you how you should live. But if you have no belief in an afterlife why would you live a life that society shows us as a way to live. All that to say I am just beginning to question things again.
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