It has been over six months since I blogged last, and certainly much has happened in that time. Quitting jobs, moving to Manitoba, being closer to family etc ....but even more than that is all the thinking I have done in that time and even more recently, especially this past week. I started thinking about this life, what matters, what does not, where time is wasted, what we value and the list goes on.
I was watching TV one day this past summer, and rather than just listen and watch for entertainment purposes I found myself watching and critiquing what was really being said as well as reaction from audience members. The TV show was Ellen, and for some reason I left it on there, because it was easier then looking for the remote. She was talking to some actress and it was amazing how the audience responded to her every word. One of the things they were talking about was the birth of child, who was now about three. Ellen asked her whether or not she wanted to have another baby right away, and the audience responded with a huge ovation. The actress then asked the audience, "Do you think I should have another baby"? The audience responded again yelling out loud and clapping at the thought of it. It seems to me that we are so interested in the lives of others to the point where we don't really care about the direction of our own. We want to hear what actors or actresses or Dr. Phil or Oprah are saying because our lives are so dis interesting in comparison. We have given way too much credence to these people, simply because they are on TV. Look at John and Kate and all the people who follow that crap. Their lives, make everyone elses seem quite mundane. The more TV shows I watched I continued to see the same pattern with the audience. I get the impression that people are thinking that everyone elses life is much more exciting than my own, so I can live my life through Ellen or Dr. Phil or John and Kate.
The second rant deals with kids nowadays and even some adults, who are so anti-social because of the computer games. World of war craft, Face book, My space and the list goes on. We are raising a generation of kids who will not know how to function in the outside world. Many kids hate to go outside and play let alone go outside at all because their lives have become that which lives in their computer. Their summer vacation is merely being on the computer every hour of the day. Cheap babysitting for parents, but what about the effect it will have on them when life happens.
It seems that most of the things being invented is to make life simpler for us.
How does this apply to me? Stay tuned, I am a work in progress, and a very slow one at that.
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