Lately I have been doing some searching (No, not jobs)....God searching. Most likely it is God nudging, not always, not often (that I can tell anyway), but I just know that there is something going on that He wants to let me know. Most, if not all of the time, it just comes to mind. It doesn't come when someone else says something (although it could- but I still hear a lot of Charlie Brown's teachers voices out there). It usually happens at a time when I am not expecting it, or when I don't have time to think about it, because I may be in the middle of doing something that requires my attention right now. Of course by the time I get back to it (it is like one of those dreams you have in the middle of the night, and remember it as soon as you wake up, and then forget it 3 hours later). I have not learned the art of writing things down that come to me like that. Besides, the first thing on my mind in the morning after getting up (or one of the first things) is coffee.
One of the things I remember is God showing me something that I do, that I should not do. It was kind of cool how he showed me. He did not say it in a loud voice, or convict me reading the Bible (still not there yet - but I did think about it, albeit briefly), but he showed me in another way. I was watching someone else, and initially a sense of judgment on my part toward them came up and then, almost instantaneously I said to myself, I do the same freaking thing (toning things down for the blog). Isn't it amazing how big our sins look when we see them done by someone else. Sometimes He gives me a great illustration to go along with it, but again, not writing it down, I tend to forget. Anyway, one sin brought to my attention, and only a few thousand more to go. It is a start, and I still have a whole life (or what is left of it) to find out what the rest are. So for now, I will most likely keep on doing those things which He has not pointed out or convicted me of. It is not a sin until He convicts me of it. Food for thought or Food for not....just where I am right now.
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