I actually took 5 minutes to think about how the past week has been for me. I was listening to the song posted at the top of this page, and while I thought, sure, I miss my youth and all the dreams and plans I had it does not mean I cannot make new plans, set new goals, and still dream about the things I would like. (Whether or not that sounds selfish, I could care less). I thought about some of the changes that took place in the last 5 - 10 years that have had some "profound" effect on me. One of the changes was Chris moving out almost 6 years ago to head off to university, creating the empty nest. Don't get me wrong, I love the empty nest, but it did create a change in the house. As a parent, for the most part, your life revolves around your kids. I believe you spend more time (from the time your kids are born to the time the nest is empty) involved in the lives of them, than with your spouse (I am sure there will be some disagreement here too, but then again we did not agree when I said I believe that most (80%) of men's eyes wander). We go through so many changes, even as couples. When you are first married, for the most part, it is just the two of you. After kids come into the picture ( whether expected or not), it is another change, it is not longer just the two of you. For some, at this time, dreams and goals are put on hold because of life's new addition. Then, after the kids leave the home, it is another change...back to just the two of you. Then, if you are like me, and be thankful you are not, you start to wondering where the hell life went as well as all of the dreams and goals and ambition you had 20 years earlier. Hmmm, all that to say that this is one of the areas where I feel change has changed me. The other area that has changed me, and certainly not for the better is death....but I think I will cover that another time because I have intentionally pushed that way back into the cave ;)
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