So as most people know (at least in Saskatchewan) the Riders won and made it to the Grey Cup. That is nice, but when you think about after the game is over on Sunday, win or lose, coffee at Tim's is still $1.40, gas prices will continue to go up, I still have to come to work, there will still be lots of poor people that will need to be fed and clothed, etc ....there is temporary happiness or sadness depending on the outcome of the game. Makes me think of the more meaningful things in life, rather than things that are so temporary. What are some of the things in this life that I want to do...more importantly what does God want of me. I often think about death and what people wish they could do before they die.... There was an article awhile back on the net about what people wanted to accomplish before they die, or if they knew they were going to die tomorrow what things would they do in the next 24 hours. Most of the answers are fairly meaningless ....here are some of the ones I remember.
1. Spend money and buy all those things I could never afford.
2. Take a trip.
3. Have sex with whoever is willing.
4. Go and tell everyone who has ever hurt me... where to go.
5. Spend more time at work (WTH that would be the last thing on my list)
6. Quit my job
There were some who actually gave thought to their answers...
1. Make up with all the people I have had something against.
2. If it is not too late, I would invite God in.
3. Leave all my belongings to people in need.
4. Tell all my friends and family how much they mean to me, and tell them about God.
In reality, all of these answers could apply to just about anyone, depending on their current state of belief in God and especially afterlife. I mean, honestly, if there were a God and no afterlife...well I think it's obvious which answers I would give to the above question. However, I believe there is an afterlife for all people, but unfortunately at this point in my life, most of my answers would point to the former rather than the latter. Not proud of that fact, it's is just where I am. I am glad that people gave honest answers. I would rather hear what people are really thinking, than to to hear "the God answer" to make themselves look and sound good.
Funny how we really don't want to be truthful at times, usually because we are afraid of offending people. Hmmm, wonder if Jesus ever told the truth and offended people hmmm, Nah... never happen, right?
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