Maybe you have heard over the last week about Shambo the bull with the disease bovine tuberculosis ( I did not think I could spell it either). The Hindu's are complaining (hmmm what was that I said yesterday about complaining) that this bull is a sacred bull to be revered. Have you ever "HERD " of something so ridiculous. This is "UTTER" foolishness. There are people who are out there in the world who are petitioning for the bull's life to be spared and have set up a web site called, yeah you guessed it "MOO-TUBE" . Here is a quote from the article that says,
"Brother Jamie, one of the monks who lives on the 115-acre monastery and tends to Shambo every day, told the BBC the monastery "had an awful lot of letters and phone calls of support from people we don't know — people who are not particularly religious but who appreciate we are making a stand for what we believe." This is ludicrous. People have nothing better to do than to stand up for something that don't mean a thing. A bunch of MOOrons, okay so I stretched that one a bit. Not sure if they have put Shambo down or not. Let's hope so, after all there is only so much BULLONEY one can stand for one day.
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