Pot stirrer and Rambling Man (Allman Brothers song back in the 70's) today. I wonder if blogging was such a great idea. I mean I am getting to write about a lot of things I am either questioning or going through. I get some answers and I get way more questions!!!
That is not a bad thing, thinking is good...sometimes I just like to have music going and not think about anything...but that can raise more questions as you listen to the lyrics. I would have made a great (sorry for being modest here) video director (for country music - I mean that's all the music there is right?) So now I am not only struggling with being on the fence ( go ahead, push me off, I dare ya), ummm which side are you pushing me toward?? I know it would be (assuming here) yes I know what happens when you assume, that you would push me to the heavenly side if you could, but you would also know that I would probably not fall to either side unless I was willing to jump also toward that side. At least to the point where I would stay on that side. It has to be my choosing...(hmmm see pharaoh). Should I blog, does it create more problems for me than helps...or for others. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy your comments, but I am and we are raising more questions than we are answering (I think). I've been wrong before, No really!!! it's true.
So back to stirring the pot, hmmm who is making soup, whose pot dare I stir this fine sunny warm morning ... maybe someone who must be making something from all that snow they are experiencing. I wonder if I stirred it enough if i could come up with a triple tornado ice cream cone. Probably not, but I just had one last night and mmmmm was it good. Hope you are smiling up there, because if not, I better find another pot to stir, and I will leave your spoon where it belongs. Hope you like today's picture. Bet you know what city that is :)
So I will continue to blog at least through the weekend and think about whether or not I need all the more questions.
As for riddles I am all riddled out. Feel free to carry on the tradition or we can let sleeping dogs lie also, unless that offends pet lovers :):)
Go ahead and stir my pot tease me with warm weather, ice cream and pics of beautiful green grass, sunshine, and thawed water! Go ahead. I can take it. Cause every Saskatchewan resident KNOWS that snow can hit in May, June, July and August. So you may just reap a bit of pot stirrin' yo-self... in the form of a nice Sask Spring Blizzard. And not a triple treat kind either.
As for blogging, you decide, but it has been a terrific part of my day, following your blog, getting to know you. And for questions... wouldn't you rather that you realize now that even pot-stirrers get their pot stirred, than to realize that in your old age, when questions seem more confusing. Let me explain "Hey Mike, what did you do with the keys?".. Response from Mike: "What do you mean, why did I have to sneeze? Eveyone has to sneeze, it is natural, at least I thot it was natural, no wait, maybe I am the only one who will sneeze today, so gee... why did I have to sneeze.. umm, maybe I need to go to a doctor!!" Response to Mike: "Why do you want to go to the rocker... you did was lost the keys, and once again, i have to find them while you sit in your rocker and try to figure out your questions!"
See Mike, we are doing you a great service by raising all these important life questions now.
I miss the riddle!
In my opinion questions are good! I am thinking if we don't question we get stuck in our ways, and we become less tolerant. The last couple of years my life has been full of questions, but I feel these questions have helped me build a personal faith (not my parents faith that I have clung to for so long) - I'd like to think that I have also become more tolerant. I am beginning to see why so many people can read the same bible and walk away with so many different views on what the Christian life should look like. I have learned the importance of looking at the heart!!!!!
Mike I so enjoy the questions you put out there (most of the times - sometimes they make me sweat a little) and Su-Ann I enjoy responses they both make me really think...and ask more questions.
Amanda, You really are a kindred spirit to me... i have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know both you AND Mike & Marlene! Glad to see you are also on our Friends Blog. This whole thing really is an encouragement for me.
Mike. I don't think you should give up the blogging. I think it helps you process some of the things you are thinking but just don't like talking about outloud. As for the questions that arise, what better place to think those through than in a blog... where people will read, comment, and get you to see a new perspective at times. That's just my 2 cents, if they are worth 2 cents... luv ya!
Glad you enjoy your pot stirred. That was a beautiful picture of Winnipeg wasn't it :):):):):) Good comeback of your own pot stirring as well :)~
I guess in some ways it is better to have these questions than none at all. It does help to get answers to the questions, but faith is till required for those other questions we cannot answer.
Thanks for all your input. Thanks for your two cents also Mel. That can be your referral fee :)
I find that I too have become more tolerant in my "old age" (thanks SA). It is important to have our own faith rather than to just cling to what our parents said, even though it may have been good. We are in an age that likes to question things. Nothing wrong with that. We just have to realize that not all answers are out there. After all without faith it is impossible to please God. I am sure that is in the bible somewhere ???!!!??!?!?! Right??
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