Well, today is one of those days where I need a little humour to start the day. Hope you need some also.
Have you ever read some of the warning labels on some store products. Here are some you probably have not seen.
Manufacturers of consumer products have to be liberal with the warning labels these days, lest they get sued. But for these, it's hard to know whether the company is being outright stupid or if they're simply targeting the most brain dead dumb among us.
Product Warnings:
"Do not use if you cannot see clearly to read the information in the information booklet." -- In the information booklet.
"Caution: The contents of this bottle should not be fed to fish." -- On a bottle of shampoo for dogs.
"For external use only!" -- On a curling iron.
"Warning: This product can burn eyes." -- On a curling iron.
"Do not use in shower." -- On a hair dryer.
"Do not use while sleeping." -- On a hair dryer.
"Do not use while sleeping or unconscious." -- On a hand-held massaging device.
"Do not place this product into any electronic equipment." -- On the case of a chocolate CD in a gift basket.
"Recycled flush water unsafe for drinking." -- On a toilet at a public sports facility in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
"Shin pads cannot protect any part of the body they do not cover." -- On a pair of shin guards made for bicyclists.
"This product not intended for use as a dental drill." -- On an electric rotary tool.
"Caution: Do not spray in eyes." -- On a container of underarm deodorant.
"Do not drive with sunshield in place." -- On a cardboard sunshield that keeps the sun off the dashboard.
"Do not use near fire, flame, or sparks." -- On an "Aim-n-Flame" fireplace lighter.
"Battery may explore or leak." -- On a battery. See a scanned image.
"Do not eat toner." -- On a toner cartridge for a laser printer.
"Not intended for highway use." -- On a 13-inch wheel on a wheelbarrow.
"This product is not to be used in bathrooms." -- On a Holmes bathroom heater.
"May irritate eyes." -- On a can of self-defense pepper spray.
"Eating rocks may lead to broken teeth." -- On a novelty rock garden set called "Popcorn Rock."
"Warning: May contain small parts." -- On a frisbee.
"Do not use orally." -- On a toilet bowl cleaning brush.
"Please keep out of children." -- On a butcher knife.
"Not suitable for children aged 36 months or less." -- On a birthday card for a 1 year old.
"Do not recharge, put in backwards, or use." -- On a battery.
"Warning: Do not use on eyes." -- In the manual for a heated seat cushion.
"Do not look into laser with remaining eye." -- On a laser pointer.
"Do not use for drying pets." -- In the manual for a microwave oven.
"For use on animals only." -- On an electric cattle prod.
"For use by trained personnel only." -- On a can of air freshener.
"Keep out of reach of children and teenagers." -- On a can of air freshener.
"Remember, objects in the mirror are actually behind you." -- On a motorcycle helmet-mounted rear-view mirror.
"Warning: Riders of personal watercraft may suffer injury due to the forceful injection of water into body cavities either by falling into the water or while mounting the craft." -- In the manual for a jetski.
"Warning: Do not climb inside this bag and zip it up. Doing so will cause injury and death." -- A label inside a protective bag (for fragile objects), which measures 15cm by 15cm by 12cm.
"Do not use as ear plugs." -- On a package of silly putty.
"Please store in the cold section of the refrigerator." -- On a bag of fresh grapes in Australia.
"Warning: knives are sharp!" -- On the packaging of a sharpening stone.
"Not for weight control." -- On a pack of Breath Savers.
"Twist top off with hands. Throw top away. Do not put top in mouth." -- On the label of a bottled drink.
"Theft of this container is a crime." -- On a milk crate.
"Do not use intimately." -- On a tube of deodorant.
"Warning: has been found to cause cancer in laboratory mice." -- On a box of rat poison.
"Fragile. Do not drop." -- Posted on a Boeing 757.
"Cannot be made non-poisonous." -- On the back of a can of de-icing windshield fluid.
"Caution: Remove infant before folding for storage." -- On a portable stroller.
"Excessive dust may be irritating to shin and eyes." -- On a tube of agarose powder, used to make gels.
"Do not iron clothes on body." -- On packaging for a Rowenta iron.
"Do not drive car or operate machinery." -- On Boot's children's cough medicine.
"For indoor or outdoor use only." -- On a string of Christmas lights.
"Wearing of this garment does not enable you to fly." -- On a child sized Superman costume.
"Beware! To touch these wires is instant death. Anyone found doing so will be prosecuted." -- On a sign at a railroad station.
"Warning: do not use if you have prostate problems." -- On a box of Midol PMS relief tablets.
"Product will be hot after heating." -- On a supermarket dessert box.
"Do not light in face. Do not expose to flame." -- On a lighter.
"Not for human consumption." -- On a package of dice.
"May be harmful if swallowed." -- On a shipment of hammers.
"Do not attempt to stop the blade with your hand." -- In the manual for a Swedish chainsaw.
"Warning: May contain nuts." -- On a package of peanuts.
"Do not eat." -- On a slip of paper in a stereo box, referring to the styrofoam packing.
"Remove occupants from the stroller before folding it."
"Warning: May cause drowsiness." -- On a bottle of Nytol, a brand of sleeping pills.
"Warning: Misuse may cause injury or death." -- Stamped on the metal barrel of a .22 calibre rifle.
"Do not use orally after using rectally." -- In the instructions for an electric thermometer.
"Turn off motor before using this product." -- On the packaging for a chain saw file, used to sharpen the cutting teeth on the chain.
"Not to be used as a personal flotation device." -- On a 6x10 inch inflatable picture frame.
"Do not put in mouth." -- On a box of bottle rockets.
"Remove plastic before eating." -- On the wrapper of a Fruit Roll-Up snack.
"Not dishwasher safe." -- On a remote control for a TV.
"Warning! This is not underwear! Do not attempt to put in pants." -- On the packaging for a wristwatch.
"Do not dangle the mouse by its cable or throw the mouse at co-workers." -- From a manual for an SGI computer.
Thursday, 31 May 2007
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
Wednesday's Walk
I have been extremely challenged by the latest book I have been reading. Revolution in world missions. The latest chapter talked about the great commission and missions and how it can only be the preaching of the gospel. He talks about missions as preaching the gospel first and foremost. Sometimes we debate whether it is more important to feed (with food) people first or to feed them with the gospel (spiritual food). I used to believe that we could do the social gospel first, feed them and then see if that makes a difference. Now I am not so sure anymore. He is adamant that it must be spiritual food, saying that yes we can feed them with food to keep them from starving, but without the saving knowledge of God they are going to hell.
Amanda, remember the other day when the four of us went to Milky Way (sorry Su-ann) and the guy that came up to me asking for money. I was reading in the book the next day and as i was thinking about it, I feel I was totally wrong to give him money, and the verse that came to mind was here Obviously not that he was going to be healed, but more to the point of here is what is more important than the money you are looking for. Yeah I know I am not at the point in my life to say that to anyone, but maybe instead I could have handed out a tract. Hope I get there someday. I have already received a kick from Su-ann, although not approved for by the prez Hmmmm,
Amanda, remember the other day when the four of us went to Milky Way (sorry Su-ann) and the guy that came up to me asking for money. I was reading in the book the next day and as i was thinking about it, I feel I was totally wrong to give him money, and the verse that came to mind was here Obviously not that he was going to be healed, but more to the point of here is what is more important than the money you are looking for. Yeah I know I am not at the point in my life to say that to anyone, but maybe instead I could have handed out a tract. Hope I get there someday. I have already received a kick from Su-ann, although not approved for by the prez Hmmmm,
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
Video Viewing
Saw few videos this past week, on TV and computer that I have put on the page. A couple of Johnny Cash videos (not a big Cash fan but I thought there were good messages in both), and another that is unfortunately a grim reality in our society. Don't get me started on this one.
Tuesday's Take
Well let's see if the ratings go up for the blog like they do on TV when they do a to be continued. To continue where I left off yesterday....In all honesty, I believe the only way it will happen for me(short of church blogging - cause it is easy to talk about God on here), is to....
1. Spend time with God.
2. Read the Bible.
3. Pray
4. Spend more time with God
5. Do
Don't worry about the other person, in the sense of "What about them, they are not doing this or doing that." They are not my problem. I can only do what I can do and what God gives me strength to do. I don't want to preach at or to you in what I am saying, I am directing these comments to me, if they are helpful to you, go right ahead and use those things that are helpful. If you have things that may be helpful to me, I would love to hear them from you. Even as our "small group blog" has evolved over the past month, we have had some great discussions, some very good pot stirring (some fun and some with spiritual meaning) and I think I have made some very good friends. That to me is so bonus, especially because of the few that I have. I've have been in small groups before (NO REALLY) and I lived to tell about it. I think that what we have here (even though it has mostly been online) has been to me, pretty incredible. I was saying to Marlene today, that if I did not start blogging I would not have the friendship I have with Su-ann, or Amanda and Bob. I had the friendship of Melly and Deb, but i think that it can be even more than it is. To me, meeting people by blogging is a whole new way of making friends. Who is to say that if we all met, say at church (sorry Su-ann), that we would hit it off as well as we have at this time. We may have gotten friendly with some and not others. I think because some are just more open online than in person. Almost like this is how I would be, if we had been friends for a long time. That's Tuesday's take, what's yours.
1. Spend time with God.
2. Read the Bible.
3. Pray
4. Spend more time with God
5. Do
Don't worry about the other person, in the sense of "What about them, they are not doing this or doing that." They are not my problem. I can only do what I can do and what God gives me strength to do. I don't want to preach at or to you in what I am saying, I am directing these comments to me, if they are helpful to you, go right ahead and use those things that are helpful. If you have things that may be helpful to me, I would love to hear them from you. Even as our "small group blog" has evolved over the past month, we have had some great discussions, some very good pot stirring (some fun and some with spiritual meaning) and I think I have made some very good friends. That to me is so bonus, especially because of the few that I have. I've have been in small groups before (NO REALLY) and I lived to tell about it. I think that what we have here (even though it has mostly been online) has been to me, pretty incredible. I was saying to Marlene today, that if I did not start blogging I would not have the friendship I have with Su-ann, or Amanda and Bob. I had the friendship of Melly and Deb, but i think that it can be even more than it is. To me, meeting people by blogging is a whole new way of making friends. Who is to say that if we all met, say at church (sorry Su-ann), that we would hit it off as well as we have at this time. We may have gotten friendly with some and not others. I think because some are just more open online than in person. Almost like this is how I would be, if we had been friends for a long time. That's Tuesday's take, what's yours.
Monday, 28 May 2007
Monday's Monologue
Not too long ago the topic of once saved always saved came up in our discussion blog. I was reading in James 2:14-26. It talks about a faith unaccompanied by action as being dead. So I guess the idea of the once saved, do diddly, always saved, can be answered in these verses, or can it? Ephesians 2 talks about being saved by grace through faith in Christ, not by works, cause then we would brag. BUT we are created to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. I always think of the once saved always saved idea as - okay I prayed the prayer and now I am saved, and I can go on living just like I was before I prayed the prayer. God has a purpose and plan for us, that comes with the salvation process. When I first became a Christian I was so excited about reading the Bible, and I think at that time even shared the gospel once, maybe even twice (yes it was a long time ago), but have not shared it since, at least verbally. Lifestyle evangelism - a topic for another day. As I said before sharing the gospel is not my gift. Does God call us to share our faith. You know the answer has to be yes. I can chicken out all I want and say woe is me, because I am shy, lousy of speech, scared spitless. In all honesty, I believe the only way it will happen for me (short of church blogging), is to.... (you know in TV land it is ratings month, so just like they do I will continue this story next time).
Sunday, 27 May 2007
Sunday's Selection
Liberal or conservative? Not talking politics here, just wondering, and don't answer if you don't want to (Okay SA you go first j/k) Do you consider yourself a liberal Christian or a conservative christian? Okay I will start. When I first went to CBC 21 years ago (WOW Mel, you were not even born then, okay just barely) I would have definitely thought of myself as conservative. Sometimes I think as new Christians who are not taught/discipled well from the start we can be a very arrogant sort. Now the pendulum has swung the other way and I find myself more of the liberal Christian. So what changed. Obviously not God! So did I really change that much, or has God shown me to show more love and grace to others. Not quite ready to get into some of the major issue discussions just yet on the areas that changed, someday perhaps. Just wondering if anyone else has had the flip flop experience from LC to CC or vise versa, or maybe you are the same in your views as you were when you were "ungrownup". Oh yeah I forgot you are not grown up yet, to which I reply hmmm hmmm hmmmmm. You know you are grown up when "Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can't remember them either". Oh, did I tell you that secret. Nope, cause I forgot. That's what happens when you get old.
Okay it is get to know Mike week...little known facts about me. (Remember them in case I put another quiz on the board - of course if you are over 40 you will forget anyway). Here goes. When my toast pops, get out of the way. I need to butter it before it gets cold!!! I bet you are fascinated now :):):)
Okay it is get to know Mike week...little known facts about me. (Remember them in case I put another quiz on the board - of course if you are over 40 you will forget anyway). Here goes. When my toast pops, get out of the way. I need to butter it before it gets cold!!! I bet you are fascinated now :):):)
Saturday, 26 May 2007
Christmas Coming
Here is a Christmas song to celebrate Christmas only 7 months away :):) Remember, Amanda made me do this, I mean afterall she asked :) Just click here
Saturday's slate
Okay life is going way to fast, and it is not just about 7 months to Christmas (even less as of today). I find as I get older, (no peanut gallery comments here, so are you) time goes so much faster than it did when I was in my teens. Was thinking, (for the most part) I probably have less than 30 years left in this life to do what God wants or to do what I want. It's not that I don't want to do what God wants, I still want to do things that I think are more fun. I suppose I can do both. Hmmm
Have we decided who is bringing what to the 1st blogging BBQ and where we are meeting (Candy Cane park?). Maybe we should get this going via email. Thanks for volunteering someone :) Time for work. Have a great one.
Have we decided who is bringing what to the 1st blogging BBQ and where we are meeting (Candy Cane park?). Maybe we should get this going via email. Thanks for volunteering someone :) Time for work. Have a great one.
Friday, 25 May 2007
Friday's Find
Ever judge a book by the cover. Usually it is the biggest mistake we can make, as we later read the book and find out that is turned out to be either the best book ever or the worst book ever. When it comes to people it is always a mistake to judge them by looking at them. Have you ever thought, "I wonder what people think of me, Do they like me?" Well, I have. Most of the time I get that feeling that their perception of me is not a positive one. My demeanor is not always the friendliest, that usually does not come out until people get to know me. The worst is when you get those times when you have met people a few times, been introduced, no deep conversation or anything, but when you see them in a different setting than the one you are used to, they turn away. Sometimes, most times when that happens it is hard to take. You feel like you are Charles Manson and then you start to think have people told them something about me that was not true? You kind of hope that is more the case, (I guess that gives them an excuse), rather than them judging solely on what they see. Worst thing about this is Christians do this also. Either look down or look away, maybe based on appearance, maybe based on what you do. Last week, someone told me (totally unnecessary) I would not hang out with so and so, because of what they are like. (I am being vague here - I am sure you can fill in the story line a little better). When I hear stuff like this from people, they have lost most if not all credibility with me. When I get to meet so and so my view of them is now unfortunately tainted by what that person said. It might be an outright lie, it also may be truthful, but what someone else sees in someone, does not mean I see it as something negative and not something so bad that I would not be friends with them over. We all have our faults (even me - no really!!! - it's true) (digressing - injecting humour). So next time you see the very nice looking book cover, and the one next to it that looks like someone threw up on it, don't take it to mean there is more value in the "pretty" one than the other. Always remember....for every finger you point at someone else, you point four at yourself. We can cause so much hurt to others by just the smallest thing we do, let alone say. Topics like these are a lot harder to blog about than Bible topics, because sometimes the latter is more opinion of what I think it is saying to me, while the former is life that happens, and sometimes can make life a lot more hell than it should be for me or anyone. Just something I needed to get off my chest, because it is something I deal with on a regular basis.
Thursday, 24 May 2007
Thursday's Tutoring
I have been reading this book lately called "Revolution in World Missions", by K.P. Yohannan who started up Gospel for Asia
"He challenges all who read the book to not only examine but change their lifestyle in view of the millions who have never heard the Gospel." It has started to make me rethink about all the things I have. How blessed in North America Christians are, but at the same time when it comes to giving I fall way short. It is challenging me to give more, especially to missions which to me is the great commission. On the back page of the book it talks about letting go of self-centeredness and being more eternally minded, also telling you how to make a difference is the lost world.
For me, missions has always been something that has stirred my pot, I mean heart. The book may not be for everyone, because again everyone has a "different calling."
Main thing here is that we are following God, listening to God and doing what He calls us to.
Did you know that we can speed up Christ's return? Hmmmm. Matt. 24:14 says, "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."
"He challenges all who read the book to not only examine but change their lifestyle in view of the millions who have never heard the Gospel." It has started to make me rethink about all the things I have. How blessed in North America Christians are, but at the same time when it comes to giving I fall way short. It is challenging me to give more, especially to missions which to me is the great commission. On the back page of the book it talks about letting go of self-centeredness and being more eternally minded, also telling you how to make a difference is the lost world.
For me, missions has always been something that has stirred my pot, I mean heart. The book may not be for everyone, because again everyone has a "different calling."
Main thing here is that we are following God, listening to God and doing what He calls us to.
Did you know that we can speed up Christ's return? Hmmmm. Matt. 24:14 says, "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."
Wednesday, 23 May 2007
Wednesday's Work
To continue where we were yesterday, and on a little lighter note....It is hard to know when we are living lavishly, at least when we compare it to others in our society. Unfortunately we always seem to compare ourselves with everyone else. That is not the right way either. We can't worry about the person next to us in church (Yeah I know, I don't fit this illustration at this time). What I mean is we need to be aware of what God wants for myself, because what he is saying to me may not be the same thing he is saying to you. There is some stuff that he says to all of us but when it comes to what he wants from us as individuals, there will be differences. For instance, he may call Amanda to be a missionary, and call Su-ann to be a prayer warrior, and Mike to be a financial supporter of missions (These are only examples) . The list can go on and on. He does not call us to just one thing. He has given each of us different gifts that we are to use, not bury in the ground or hide under the bed. The gifts that each of you have are a benefit to me and others, even though you may not see it. So if you don't know what your gifts are, I think it is important to find out what they are and use them.
Some day this week when it works best for you/me try doing this little exercise.... live your day as you normally would, then at the end of the day, look back at what happened (as much as possible) and critique what took place. The good stuff and the bad stuff, the said and not said, the did or didn't do, the shoulda, the woulda and the coulda. The doormat times and the in your face confrontations (maybe you didn't have these but maybe you thought about it). Then take it to God...thank Him for all the things he did through us and then ask forgiveness for the times when we really screwed up, and then think how we can better improve those similar situations next time, cause sure as stuff, there will always be next times, and next challenges. Just like in a small group we need to be able to come to each other to share stuff with (I think this may take time with some and probably most, because there is always that issue of trust and how much do I dare share). Then maybe on the weekend, if you have had time to do this little exercise we can discuss it more. Love to hear your thoughts here. Would it be beneficial? More importantly, would we learn and grow from it?
Some day this week when it works best for you/me try doing this little exercise.... live your day as you normally would, then at the end of the day, look back at what happened (as much as possible) and critique what took place. The good stuff and the bad stuff, the said and not said, the did or didn't do, the shoulda, the woulda and the coulda. The doormat times and the in your face confrontations (maybe you didn't have these but maybe you thought about it). Then take it to God...thank Him for all the things he did through us and then ask forgiveness for the times when we really screwed up, and then think how we can better improve those similar situations next time, cause sure as stuff, there will always be next times, and next challenges. Just like in a small group we need to be able to come to each other to share stuff with (I think this may take time with some and probably most, because there is always that issue of trust and how much do I dare share). Then maybe on the weekend, if you have had time to do this little exercise we can discuss it more. Love to hear your thoughts here. Would it be beneficial? More importantly, would we learn and grow from it?
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Tuesday's Trash Talk

As you can see by the pictures posted above this is another rant on how we waste our money. The words have been toned down and edited so as not to be expelled from blogspot.
What the hell is this world coming to. Back to the pet rant yet again. Was listening to a sermon online by Tony Compolo and he was using an illustration about overweight dogs that people have. They would just as soon feed their fat pet than people who are starving. Take a look at this website http://www.petcomfort.com and see how ridiculous things have gotten for a freaking pet. (see pictures above) You can buy them luxury furniture, designer clothes, rhinestone collars, strollers (and you wonder why these things are fat), jewelry and even stupid steps for your pets to get on the couch or into the van. PICK THE STUPID THING UP. How freaking lazy are people. What's next...maybe we can hire someone to walk with us when we walk our dog to pick up after them so we don't have to, or attach a bag to their butts!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's not just the pet &^%^$. Do we really need to have these brand new freaking churches that we spend millions of dollars on or to go into debt to build. Church is not a case of "If you build it they will come." If that is why people are coming then stay home. Church is not about prestige. God does not dwell in our building.
http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=acts%2017:24;&version=31; He is so much "bigger" than that. He dwells within us. I guess I am looking at the waste of money spent on new fancy churches, while the poor suffer day after day. We have sooooo much and we give soooooo little to those who need. I would love to challenge you but I need to first be challenged myself to make a difference here. If we are not making a difference in this life and in the lives of people then what the "hell" are we doing here?
Just to move slightly away from this topic and I mean slightly, after reading the first few chapters of Ecclesiastes and how pleasures are meaningless, as is work ( I knew that), wisdom and folly and riches all have no meaning without God. Isn't life more than getting up, going to work, coming home and going to bed. Hell yeah. Without God everything we do, though good as we may see it, is just meaningless. If I could get the dream job I wanted (I know you thought I had it now) or won the lottery (hmmm, hmmmm, hmmmmm) and had millions of dollars what good is that to me if I don't do "thing one" for those in need with all that I have. If I were to die without God, (then literally - the hell with me) all I have done, and accomplished means squat. If I were the greatest golfer in the world, winning more than anyone else and died without God, will people remember me. Yeah, but what will I care, I am dead and gone, and without God, I am in hell. Life is more than the work we do and the time we waste doing things that don't mean $#!*. Let's extend grace and love to that person we can't stand and help to those who are in need (there are many). Feel free to challenge me. I don't want to be just that bump on a log, I want to make a difference in someones life
Monday, 21 May 2007
Monday Morning Mission
We went for coffee and ice cream (DQ not MW) last night with a friend I used to work with. Reminiscing and looking ahead. I could do that with friends on a daily basis. Old friends and new friends. Relationships are just so very special. TV is way overrated by comparison. She encouraged us to read Ecclesiastes (I half heartedly agreed), so over the next week or so, I will read and blog on what I have read. Feel free to read along with. I have not started yet. Maybe once I am done today's blog. :)
Even though I don't attend church I don't like to bash it. I do at times but I don't like to :) . There are good things happening and there are changes that need to be made. Usually it is our attitude that needs changing. There are times that things need to be said where improvements are needed. Started reading a little more in "What's so amazing about Grace", and on the first page of Chapter one he tells the story of a prostitute who is homeless, sick and looking for food for her kids. She is asked if she has ever thought about going to the church for help and she cries, "Church, why would I ever go there? I already feel terrible about myself. They'd just make me feel worse."
Truth is there are times when people go to church and come out feeling worse than when they went in. Grace is an incredible gift to have but it needs to be extended to others in order to be useful. At this point in my life, I can take or leave church, but I cannot make that decision based on the few "stupid church people". (In case you were wondering there is a website devoted to them http://www.stupidchurchpeople.com
When we read the Bible it tells us to extend grace where grace is needed, mercy where mercy is needed and so on. So why don't we? Remember I am on the same journey as some of you, just at a different parts of the road (I'm still at the fork), a narrow road and a broad one where do I go? So I don't have all these answers to most of these questions I bring up, I suppose if I did I would have written a book instead of a blog. Sometimes we just "know" what the right thing is to do or to say...yet we hesitate, and look back and say "My intentions were good here and there", or "I could shoulda woulda done that..." We all know the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Faith requires action. So like the old participaction commercials..."Don't just think about it, Do it, Do it, Do it!!!!
Even though I don't attend church I don't like to bash it. I do at times but I don't like to :) . There are good things happening and there are changes that need to be made. Usually it is our attitude that needs changing. There are times that things need to be said where improvements are needed. Started reading a little more in "What's so amazing about Grace", and on the first page of Chapter one he tells the story of a prostitute who is homeless, sick and looking for food for her kids. She is asked if she has ever thought about going to the church for help and she cries, "Church, why would I ever go there? I already feel terrible about myself. They'd just make me feel worse."
Truth is there are times when people go to church and come out feeling worse than when they went in. Grace is an incredible gift to have but it needs to be extended to others in order to be useful. At this point in my life, I can take or leave church, but I cannot make that decision based on the few "stupid church people". (In case you were wondering there is a website devoted to them http://www.stupidchurchpeople.com
When we read the Bible it tells us to extend grace where grace is needed, mercy where mercy is needed and so on. So why don't we? Remember I am on the same journey as some of you, just at a different parts of the road (I'm still at the fork), a narrow road and a broad one where do I go? So I don't have all these answers to most of these questions I bring up, I suppose if I did I would have written a book instead of a blog. Sometimes we just "know" what the right thing is to do or to say...yet we hesitate, and look back and say "My intentions were good here and there", or "I could shoulda woulda done that..." We all know the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Faith requires action. So like the old participaction commercials..."Don't just think about it, Do it, Do it, Do it!!!!
Sunday, 20 May 2007
Sunday Sadness
This has been the worst weekend of my life. I have just lost my best friend to an act of senseless violence. I am so "ticked" I want to go and gain revenge on those you know whats. People keep telling me he is in a better place, that he has risen and is with God, that he is in heaven, and on and on. I remember all the things that we used to do together, like going fishing, or going for long walks and travelling with friends to different places. Now those times will never happen again. There is such an emptiness within me. How can I believe, how can I keep my faith in times like these. I know that you all say that in one way or another you have "seen" or "experienced" Jesus in a way so real that you just don't understand why people don't believe. Well I won't be pulled into your "sightings" or "experiences". I need to see Him for myself to actually believe. If I ever had any doubts before, they are now compounded by what has happened this weekend. As I write this I wonder if these would have been close to the words that the disciple Thomas would have expressed had he talked in more depth about John 20:24-25 where it says, Now Thomas (called Didymus), one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord!" But he said to them, "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe it.
Sometimes when we rewrite a verse of scripture it gives us a clearer picture of what others must have been experiencing at those times. I guess I picked Thomas to write about because of all the doubts I have been experiencing lately. Hope I did not go overboard on this blog. I am sure you will tell me though if I did, and I appreciate all your comments.
Sometimes when we rewrite a verse of scripture it gives us a clearer picture of what others must have been experiencing at those times. I guess I picked Thomas to write about because of all the doubts I have been experiencing lately. Hope I did not go overboard on this blog. I am sure you will tell me though if I did, and I appreciate all your comments.
Saturday, 19 May 2007
Saturday's Search
Questions and more questions. Time to do more thinking. Okay I have some questions for you too. Some of those have you ever wondered questions...wel have you ever wondered... questions like...........
Homework may be required here so get out your Bibles :)~
After you die, what happens? Do you believe you go straight to heaven or rest in the grave till your name is called along with everyone else? Is your Bible open...ok I will wait. Hey you don't have your Bible open do you? You are just gonna read without it aren't you? Okay I am digressing here only because I can :) Can't wait to hear your answer along with a verse to go along with it.
Do you think we all have a guardian angel? Good luck looking this one up!!!
Okay put your Bible away here and answer this one...there are no wrong answers here. If you could pick three people to have supper with who would it be? PLEASE PICK ME !!! (just kidding sniff sniff)
Do you have any of these "ever wondered questions"?
Homework may be required here so get out your Bibles :)~
After you die, what happens? Do you believe you go straight to heaven or rest in the grave till your name is called along with everyone else? Is your Bible open...ok I will wait. Hey you don't have your Bible open do you? You are just gonna read without it aren't you? Okay I am digressing here only because I can :) Can't wait to hear your answer along with a verse to go along with it.
Do you think we all have a guardian angel? Good luck looking this one up!!!
Okay put your Bible away here and answer this one...there are no wrong answers here. If you could pick three people to have supper with who would it be? PLEASE PICK ME !!! (just kidding sniff sniff)
Do you have any of these "ever wondered questions"?
Friday, 18 May 2007
Friday's Flip

Pot stirrer and Rambling Man (Allman Brothers song back in the 70's) today. I wonder if blogging was such a great idea. I mean I am getting to write about a lot of things I am either questioning or going through. I get some answers and I get way more questions!!!
That is not a bad thing, thinking is good...sometimes I just like to have music going and not think about anything...but that can raise more questions as you listen to the lyrics. I would have made a great (sorry for being modest here) video director (for country music - I mean that's all the music there is right?) So now I am not only struggling with being on the fence ( go ahead, push me off, I dare ya), ummm which side are you pushing me toward?? I know it would be (assuming here) yes I know what happens when you assume, that you would push me to the heavenly side if you could, but you would also know that I would probably not fall to either side unless I was willing to jump also toward that side. At least to the point where I would stay on that side. It has to be my choosing...(hmmm see pharaoh). Should I blog, does it create more problems for me than helps...or for others. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy your comments, but I am and we are raising more questions than we are answering (I think). I've been wrong before, No really!!! it's true.
So back to stirring the pot, hmmm who is making soup, whose pot dare I stir this fine sunny warm morning ... maybe someone who must be making something from all that snow they are experiencing. I wonder if I stirred it enough if i could come up with a triple tornado ice cream cone. Probably not, but I just had one last night and mmmmm was it good. Hope you are smiling up there, because if not, I better find another pot to stir, and I will leave your spoon where it belongs. Hope you like today's picture. Bet you know what city that is :)
So I will continue to blog at least through the weekend and think about whether or not I need all the more questions.
As for riddles I am all riddled out. Feel free to carry on the tradition or we can let sleeping dogs lie also, unless that offends pet lovers :):)
Thursday, 17 May 2007
Thursday's Translation
A couple of weeks ago or so I told you about a dream I had. I sent an email to a friend, who I have not talked to in quite a while, to see what he thought the dream might mean and this is the interpretation he came up with. Sounds very interesting? I will recap with the dream then his translation.
Woke up this morning after having a dream about John. I went to visit him at the hospital (but it was not St. B). When I got there he was standing up and ready to go. I gave him a hug saying something like "It is so good to see you". He was still in some pain though when I hugged him. I was amazed he was out of bed, and looking ready to go for a walk. He pointed out that they were "redecorating" at the hospital with a whole bunch of different color stones (pink and blue - look like bubble gum) different shapes and sizes, and even giant oreo cookies. We went down a set of stairs and I was thinking it is so great that John is a cancer survivor. Then we were going down a ramp and John slid down, and as we were going down we saw Fr. Stan and he had quite a surprise look on his face also. They hugged and he said either "should you be here or should you be out" and John said Leon (whoever that is) said it was okay. Then I woke up...extremely disappointed because it seemed so real that John was alive and doing so well. Just thought I would share this as I rarely dream.
Perhaps there is a measure of simply missing John in the dream but I really don’t think it is about John – I think it’s about you. John represents dying or death in the dream (an apt symbol of that for you as his death had such an impact on you) and his being well and leaving the hospital represents hope. I think you have been wondering if you are dying or dead in your own life, metaphorically speaking, and the dream expresses hope that comes from somewhere deep inside yourself that you are not. I don’t know in what sense dead: spiritually, in your career, feeling lack of fulfillment, in relationships, or what, but in some sense feeling dead or about to die (metaphorically). The dream then expresses a very real hope about yourself (represented through John being well), perhaps even a joy (represented by all the decorations in the room), a real hope that it is not true that you are dead or dying, a hope that there is something good about life (related to the area you feel dead or dying in). The priest may represent the opinion of others who are not sure whether it is true you are not dying or perhaps he represents your own doubts about yourself (expressed by his surprise about John being well and his wondering whether John is really well enough to be leaving). Despite the expression of doubt, however, the dream affirms in the end that the hope is real (through John’s comment that Leon said it was okay to leave). I think it is all about hope – symbolically portrayed through John not dying but being okay.
This mornings riddle - A youngster, standing one metre tall, lived with his parents on the tenth floor of an apartment building. When leaving for school in the morning, he would use the elevator to get to the ground floor. When returning from school, he would take the elevator to the fifth Then, he would get out of the elevator and climb the stairs to the tenth floor.
Question : Why did he not use the elevator to get to the tenth floor?
Woke up this morning after having a dream about John. I went to visit him at the hospital (but it was not St. B). When I got there he was standing up and ready to go. I gave him a hug saying something like "It is so good to see you". He was still in some pain though when I hugged him. I was amazed he was out of bed, and looking ready to go for a walk. He pointed out that they were "redecorating" at the hospital with a whole bunch of different color stones (pink and blue - look like bubble gum) different shapes and sizes, and even giant oreo cookies. We went down a set of stairs and I was thinking it is so great that John is a cancer survivor. Then we were going down a ramp and John slid down, and as we were going down we saw Fr. Stan and he had quite a surprise look on his face also. They hugged and he said either "should you be here or should you be out" and John said Leon (whoever that is) said it was okay. Then I woke up...extremely disappointed because it seemed so real that John was alive and doing so well. Just thought I would share this as I rarely dream.
Perhaps there is a measure of simply missing John in the dream but I really don’t think it is about John – I think it’s about you. John represents dying or death in the dream (an apt symbol of that for you as his death had such an impact on you) and his being well and leaving the hospital represents hope. I think you have been wondering if you are dying or dead in your own life, metaphorically speaking, and the dream expresses hope that comes from somewhere deep inside yourself that you are not. I don’t know in what sense dead: spiritually, in your career, feeling lack of fulfillment, in relationships, or what, but in some sense feeling dead or about to die (metaphorically). The dream then expresses a very real hope about yourself (represented through John being well), perhaps even a joy (represented by all the decorations in the room), a real hope that it is not true that you are dead or dying, a hope that there is something good about life (related to the area you feel dead or dying in). The priest may represent the opinion of others who are not sure whether it is true you are not dying or perhaps he represents your own doubts about yourself (expressed by his surprise about John being well and his wondering whether John is really well enough to be leaving). Despite the expression of doubt, however, the dream affirms in the end that the hope is real (through John’s comment that Leon said it was okay to leave). I think it is all about hope – symbolically portrayed through John not dying but being okay.
This mornings riddle - A youngster, standing one metre tall, lived with his parents on the tenth floor of an apartment building. When leaving for school in the morning, he would use the elevator to get to the ground floor. When returning from school, he would take the elevator to the fifth Then, he would get out of the elevator and climb the stairs to the tenth floor.
Question : Why did he not use the elevator to get to the tenth floor?
Wednesday, 16 May 2007
Wednesday's Where-for-art-thou
Was wondering this morning what happened to the passion I first had when I became a Christian over 20 years ago. I remember reading the Bible on the way to work and on the way home when I lived in Winnipeg. I enjoyed reading it, yet now it is one of the hardest things to do, next to spending time with God. That is where I am at. Like Mighty Casey there is no joy in Mudville (or Mikeville), Saskatchewan...hmmm wonder if there is a Mudville Sk. On a similar note I use to really love watching and playing sports. I would watch Hockey every Saturday night when my team played. I don't think I have seen a whole game this year. I use to love to golf but have lost a lot of that desire. Maybe priorities change. I can see that for sports, but for God there should be a deeper desire to know him, shouldn't there be? There are things that stir up some passion within me, but it is not very often. I know when I have either seen or watched something in regards to missions I often feel and wonder if that is where we should have been or should maybe go or the very least support in some way. I think the obvious answer is spending time with God and finding out what he wants. These answers don't come about overnight. Like Melissa (in her blog yesterday), I am not very patient either. I want to know and I want to know now. (By the way Mel do I get a referral fee for mentioning you in my blog, because now people are going to go and read yours)?
So, how about you, yeah you!!! Do you still have your passion for God that you had when you first met Him? Has it dwindled?
P.S. Hey Deb (little joke for you) - What did little red riding hood say to Grandma Deb when she got there?
(see answer after today's riddle)
Today's riddle - (medium) - Pronounced as one letter, and written with three, two letters there are, and two only in me, I'm double, I 'm single, I'm black, blue and grey, I'm read from both ends, and the same either way. What am I?
Answer to joke - My what a BIG spoon you have :)~ (all the better for stirring, right Deb?)
So, how about you, yeah you!!! Do you still have your passion for God that you had when you first met Him? Has it dwindled?
P.S. Hey Deb (little joke for you) - What did little red riding hood say to Grandma Deb when she got there?
(see answer after today's riddle)
Today's riddle - (medium) - Pronounced as one letter, and written with three, two letters there are, and two only in me, I'm double, I 'm single, I'm black, blue and grey, I'm read from both ends, and the same either way. What am I?
Answer to joke - My what a BIG spoon you have :)~ (all the better for stirring, right Deb?)
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
Tuesday's Tantrum
Where I am at today in my "christian life". As a "christian" or if there is such a thing as a "fence sitting christian" (I know there is not but that's still where I am) - how do you deal with those times when you are bombarded with people telling you what you should be or should not be doing? I guess an example would be someone saying, "If you are a Christian you really shouldn't be doing that (hmmm let's say swearing not that I swear ...much)" or you should be doing (fill in the blank). When these times happen and sure as stuff they do, and too often I usually do not say anything...I can blog about it, but to the persons face, I usually clam up. I know what I should do and what I should not do...knowing these things does not make it any easier, and I just wanna scream when someone else points out the things I already know (not once but over and over). I have not flipped the bird at someone for over a year now...I use to do that the odd time when you get those idiot drivers GRRRRRRRRRR...(deep breath) okay - better now. :) I know I am still living in Romans 7:14-20...I know what I should do but I do what I want (paraphrase). So when I have people telling me what to do I sometimes want to tell them what to do. This does not mean I do not want your advice on any of the stuff I am going through, I love hearing your comments. I just don't want someone saying on a daily basis "choose this day who you will serve" . I am the type who when push comes to shove, I will push back. When it comes to words like previously stated. hearing over and over...I am usually more likely to not heed those words and do the opposite. Yeah I can be a stubborn person every now and then. Hmmm sometimes more now than then :) I'm done ranting for now, or till you tell me otherwise :)~
Trivia for the day (for kids) ;) http://www.slylockfox.com/arcade/BrainBogglers/game28.html
Trivia for the day (for kids) ;) http://www.slylockfox.com/arcade/BrainBogglers/game28.html
Monday, 14 May 2007
Monday's Madness
What the hell. Is there a hell? Do we all get to heaven? Would/could/should God send anyone to hell? We all certainly hope all of our family members get to heaven, but we can't base that on our hopes or feelings. There needs to be a decision on their part. I found a dozen verses that talk about hell as a place you don't want to be (lake of fire, place of torment), and a lot of times it mentions it as a place where people are thrown into. Verses in Matthew http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?book_id=47&chapter=5&verse=29&version=31&context=verse and Mark http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?book_id=48&chapter=9&verse=47&version=31&context=verse mention that it is better for you to pluck your own eye out if it causes you to sin. Better to enter heaven blind or crippled than hell healthy. I don't think he literally wants us to poke our eyes out here, but is certainly making the point of how bad a place hell is. We cannot wish our friends and family into heaven. If there were no hell, would the Bible talk about it, would Jesus mention it as often as He did? Once this life is over...it's over...no more second chances, see http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%2016:19-31;&version=31; Obviously my conclusion is there is a hell,and this life we are living now is not hell compared to the "real thing". It is an extremely unpleasant place to be. When you think of how short our life seems on this earth, think how long a time it would be to have eternity in hell. Better yet, think of the other side of the coin...eternity in heaven. There are some who will ask "Is not God gracious. loving, caring...How could He send people to hell. God is also just. This is by no mean an exhaustive search on this subject. Don't take my word on this either, search the Bible. Guess that's why we bring our Bibles to church too...so we can make sure and test what the preacher is saying.
Today's riddle - is there a hell? Your thoughts?
Sunday, 13 May 2007
Sunday Source
Okay I don't want you to feel bad about not showing up lat night so I won't. I had the triple tornado ice cream...what else would I have. It had all my fruits in it like strawberry and banana and something else...maybe blueberry. Oh did I tell you we had a good visit at Milky way last night OOPS ;) So what did everyone else do last night. Please don't tell me you have a life!!! I discovered last night that we have something in common with Su-ann, which is really neat, hmmm I think...we go to the same church. Who knew? Hmmm a blog church...I think it would catch on...we could meet for services or ice cream once a week, talk about what is happening in our lives, of couorse we could only accept so many members, we don't want things to get too crowded. Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there, and Happy Happy to all those who may not be Mom's but should still be recognized for what they do. What are all your plans? Going to a crowded restaurant? A movie? Church? Breakfast in bed? We are going to do the restaurant thing but not till tomorrow.
Okay lets have some deep discussion. Well.......that's pretty deep ;)~
Never did get to do my homework on hell (and NO I'm not gonna visit to get a birds eye view either). So today will hopefully be the day.
What to you is the most important thing in the Christian life? There are many things to choose from....spending time with God, prayer (this can be different than the last one), love, service, church (ok you know I didn't pick this one), helping others. There are many other things that can go on this list...maybe yours is one of them.
Okay Su-ann wanted an easy riddle...so if you guess it right away it is not my fault this time :) . How many letters are in the alphabet?
Okay lets have some deep discussion. Well.......that's pretty deep ;)~
Never did get to do my homework on hell (and NO I'm not gonna visit to get a birds eye view either). So today will hopefully be the day.
What to you is the most important thing in the Christian life? There are many things to choose from....spending time with God, prayer (this can be different than the last one), love, service, church (ok you know I didn't pick this one), helping others. There are many other things that can go on this list...maybe yours is one of them.
Okay Su-ann wanted an easy riddle...so if you guess it right away it is not my fault this time :) . How many letters are in the alphabet?
Saturday, 12 May 2007
Saturday's Setting
Well it was a fairly uneventful day today, not having to work but instead having a garage sale. Kinda boring sitting out there all afternoon, watching cable TV and waiting for customers to buy everything they could. Hmmm Like that happens ;) Someone actually stole something from the garage sale ... insert Homer Simpson voice over here ("Why you little...") . What some people won't do for a few garden stakes. That saying Everything is permissible just hit me...does that include stealing too :) hmmm Back to work today then garage sale in the afternoon. The highlight of the day will be ice cream at Milky way for those wishing to join. You can still choose. 7:00ish tonight. All the stars will be there....hmmmm well if it is dark and clear there will certainly be some stars out :) Good day for a lighthearted blog. Hope I did not bore you to death. Hell is coming, soon to a blog near me.
No takers on yesterdays trivia...wow y'all are slipping.
Have a great weekend.
No takers on yesterdays trivia...wow y'all are slipping.
Have a great weekend.
Friday, 11 May 2007
Friday's Freedom
Today I get to enjoy the day off work, not really sure how much of an enjoyment a garage sale is. We have accumulated a lot of junk over the last several years, so hopefully we can get rid of some now.
Was going to revisit the issue of hell but was too busy setting up for the garage sale so it will have to wait. I guess it is quite amazing as Christians how we can have such differences of opinions on what we feel the Bible is saying to us. Guess that is why we have so many churches and denominations. Kind of like cafeteria church, pick and choose the one we fit in the best with. I mean who goes to a church they don't like being at... hmmm. I go to this church because they don't care if I smoke or drink, after all the Bible says nothing about smoking and not much about drinking.(not in excess). So is it okay to smoke or drink (I have not even touched on any of the other temptations that Christians face on a daily basis...like gambling, sex ( oops I said a four letter word, well three hmmm you know what I mean). Should the church be the one to tell us..." Don't (fill in your own issue)". Ahhh "Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial"...more hmmm's. Do we have a freedom in Christ to do everything? As far a dealing with my own stuff, I find the answer more to be God will tell me to deal with it when I need to. We do so many things out of guilt, and I am not sure that is the right reason to do something or to stop something. I am sure this will be continued...........
Today's riddle - what can you throw off the highest building and it will not break, but place in the ocean and it will? Sponge was the answer to two days ago riddle. Well done Amanda. There were some very good wrong answers too...hmmmm interesting topic (very good wrong answers)...could include interpretation in here ;)
Was going to revisit the issue of hell but was too busy setting up for the garage sale so it will have to wait. I guess it is quite amazing as Christians how we can have such differences of opinions on what we feel the Bible is saying to us. Guess that is why we have so many churches and denominations. Kind of like cafeteria church, pick and choose the one we fit in the best with. I mean who goes to a church they don't like being at... hmmm. I go to this church because they don't care if I smoke or drink, after all the Bible says nothing about smoking and not much about drinking.(not in excess). So is it okay to smoke or drink (I have not even touched on any of the other temptations that Christians face on a daily basis...like gambling, sex ( oops I said a four letter word, well three hmmm you know what I mean). Should the church be the one to tell us..." Don't (fill in your own issue)". Ahhh "Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial"...more hmmm's. Do we have a freedom in Christ to do everything? As far a dealing with my own stuff, I find the answer more to be God will tell me to deal with it when I need to. We do so many things out of guilt, and I am not sure that is the right reason to do something or to stop something. I am sure this will be continued...........
Today's riddle - what can you throw off the highest building and it will not break, but place in the ocean and it will? Sponge was the answer to two days ago riddle. Well done Amanda. There were some very good wrong answers too...hmmmm interesting topic (very good wrong answers)...could include interpretation in here ;)
Thursday, 10 May 2007
Thursday's Think-tank
Well I must admit after these few short weeks of blogging and thinking and even reading, I still have not made a move off the fence. I suppose if it were a picket fence I may have fallen off on to one side already, hmmmm wonder which way I would have leaned?!?! (Insert Van Halen song here "Jump") All of these topics that we have been discussing (Hell, Pharaoh, etc) have been somewhat inconclusive. We all know that time is short, but we still tend to delay those decisions that matter most. Maybe this weekend while I am sitting around outside ( I may even have a full weekend off), I will contemplate life on both sides and come up with a decision. After all after making the leap off the fence I can always climb back on or over to the other side, right? Hmmm Here is a thought (not much of one but a thought nonetheless) maybe I should try both sides. Side A (sorry Sheryl) for a week and then try side B (sorry again Sheryl). After the two weeks are up then make a decision. What do you think y'all? Would I? Don't dare me! :)
After having an interesting conversation at lunch time yesterday with some very hmmm "different" views so I also need to "revisit" HELL. There are some very "interesting" views out there and I feel I need to do a look through to see what the Bible says about hell. I will write out the verses on here and we can all "go through hell together" discussing it. I think this is a key issue, because depending on where you stand on it determines how you will/may/might live your Christian life.
No new trivia or riddle, because the last one is an unsolved mystery. I did add another link titled "masking tapes". I am sure you remember previous blog about masks we wear..........................
After having an interesting conversation at lunch time yesterday with some very hmmm "different" views so I also need to "revisit" HELL. There are some very "interesting" views out there and I feel I need to do a look through to see what the Bible says about hell. I will write out the verses on here and we can all "go through hell together" discussing it. I think this is a key issue, because depending on where you stand on it determines how you will/may/might live your Christian life.
No new trivia or riddle, because the last one is an unsolved mystery. I did add another link titled "masking tapes". I am sure you remember previous blog about masks we wear..........................
Wednesday, 9 May 2007
Wednesday's Winner
Choices to make all the time. What to do, What to do? If you are like me (and you are probably saying, not even close ;) that's a good thing), when it comes to going to a buffet, believe it or not I am fairly picky when I am choosing my food. NO REALLY!!! Who knew??
So I will usually take some potatoes, meat, corn (that's a veggie) and if I feel daring I may try some pasta (spaghetti). That is usually what is on my plate. I will save a little room for dessert, depending on what there is...even for dessert I can be fairly picky...usually end up with jello and ice cream Mmmmmm or try one of the little square thingys. You know the ones I mean. Hmmm
Strange blog for me today talking about food, but now to get to the "meat" of the blog. I often feel that when it comes to God and Christianity I treat it like a buffet also. I will pick and choose the things I like salvation, grace, mercy, love etc, and skip over the other stuff like taking up the cross, following Christ, demands for holiness, sacrificing of oneself, etc,. I guess I do this all the time in my "christian walk", picking and choosing and saying "That looks pretty good...must be the gravy or dessert. On the other hand, that looks way to green for me...must be veggies or even worse...liver"!!! Good thing someone else likes liver and veggies, at least that is getting taken care of by someone else. ( that reminds me of another blog to come someday - service and the Christian life). All of these issues I need to work out. I know the answer to the healthy diet involves eating fruit and veggies. I also know that the answer to a healthy christian walk involves taking everything that God wants, not just the things that look good. I don't have a healthy diet in either area right now...still picking and choosing....Hmmm decisions decisions.
Speaking of decisions here is a riddle ...you can choose to try and solve it or not!!!
I am only useful When I am full, Yet I am always Full of holes.
So I will usually take some potatoes, meat, corn (that's a veggie) and if I feel daring I may try some pasta (spaghetti). That is usually what is on my plate. I will save a little room for dessert, depending on what there is...even for dessert I can be fairly picky...usually end up with jello and ice cream Mmmmmm or try one of the little square thingys. You know the ones I mean. Hmmm
Strange blog for me today talking about food, but now to get to the "meat" of the blog. I often feel that when it comes to God and Christianity I treat it like a buffet also. I will pick and choose the things I like salvation, grace, mercy, love etc, and skip over the other stuff like taking up the cross, following Christ, demands for holiness, sacrificing of oneself, etc,. I guess I do this all the time in my "christian walk", picking and choosing and saying "That looks pretty good...must be the gravy or dessert. On the other hand, that looks way to green for me...must be veggies or even worse...liver"!!! Good thing someone else likes liver and veggies, at least that is getting taken care of by someone else. ( that reminds me of another blog to come someday - service and the Christian life). All of these issues I need to work out. I know the answer to the healthy diet involves eating fruit and veggies. I also know that the answer to a healthy christian walk involves taking everything that God wants, not just the things that look good. I don't have a healthy diet in either area right now...still picking and choosing....Hmmm decisions decisions.
Speaking of decisions here is a riddle ...you can choose to try and solve it or not!!!
I am only useful When I am full, Yet I am always Full of holes.
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
Tuesday's Theory
Heaven or Hell? I mean really is there one?
I have been walking on the proverbial fence as far as my Christian life goes...and I need to make a decision soon to either jump into the frying pan or the fire.. (for these purposes heaven is the frying pan). I am in the luke warm stage which is probably the worst place to be. I mean when you think about it why live for both sides...take your pick. Why live it up on the sinful side and then come to church on Sunday and ask for forgiveness. God does not work that way. Instead the choice is walk on the sinful side and do what you want or walk on God's side and do what you should and what God wants. Does that mean giving up everything? ( I'll get back to that in a minute) I think most are familiar with the verse "Everything is permissible, not everything is beneficial". (1 Cor.6:12) Of course when I read that I am thinking that is so cool....that means I can do whatever I want...it is okay. Party time...see ya on Sunday. I'll let you wrestle with that issue for now...and come back to it when I know the answer. Sorry for stirring your pot and stealing the spoon too.
So back to the earlier question, "Does that mean giving up everything?" I don't think it means giving up everything,(it might) but I think there will be times when God says to each of us, Hey Mike, I think it is time you dealt with (and he will be specific about something he wants me to give up), hope I did not make you to curious about what he wants me to give up ;) Hope it is not stirring the pot that he wants me to give up ;)...that would be a hard one for me to give up, but if I were following Him and he said give it up, I would. I think at the same time there will be things (like Paul) that we will live with the rest of our lives, knowing that God's grace is sufficient for us (2 Cor. 12:9).Hmmm everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial...I am waiting for your great answers here.
Oh yeah, re: heaven and hell and is there a hell, to me there has to be a hell, cause if there is not why live a Christian life if we are all getting there anyway???!!!??? Hmmm
Mel - you got the right answer on yesterday's riddle. P.S. Nice advertising job with regards to selling homes in the comment area. No charge either :)~
Today's riddle - Trains travel from Foodletown to Myerville all day, always on the same track, always going nonstop and at the same speed. The noon train took 80 minutes to complete the trip, but the 4 PM train took an hour and 20 minutes. Why?
I have been walking on the proverbial fence as far as my Christian life goes...and I need to make a decision soon to either jump into the frying pan or the fire.. (for these purposes heaven is the frying pan). I am in the luke warm stage which is probably the worst place to be. I mean when you think about it why live for both sides...take your pick. Why live it up on the sinful side and then come to church on Sunday and ask for forgiveness. God does not work that way. Instead the choice is walk on the sinful side and do what you want or walk on God's side and do what you should and what God wants. Does that mean giving up everything? ( I'll get back to that in a minute) I think most are familiar with the verse "Everything is permissible, not everything is beneficial". (1 Cor.6:12) Of course when I read that I am thinking that is so cool....that means I can do whatever I want...it is okay. Party time...see ya on Sunday. I'll let you wrestle with that issue for now...and come back to it when I know the answer. Sorry for stirring your pot and stealing the spoon too.
So back to the earlier question, "Does that mean giving up everything?" I don't think it means giving up everything,(it might) but I think there will be times when God says to each of us, Hey Mike, I think it is time you dealt with (and he will be specific about something he wants me to give up), hope I did not make you to curious about what he wants me to give up ;) Hope it is not stirring the pot that he wants me to give up ;)...that would be a hard one for me to give up, but if I were following Him and he said give it up, I would. I think at the same time there will be things (like Paul) that we will live with the rest of our lives, knowing that God's grace is sufficient for us (2 Cor. 12:9).Hmmm everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial...I am waiting for your great answers here.
Oh yeah, re: heaven and hell and is there a hell, to me there has to be a hell, cause if there is not why live a Christian life if we are all getting there anyway???!!!??? Hmmm
Mel - you got the right answer on yesterday's riddle. P.S. Nice advertising job with regards to selling homes in the comment area. No charge either :)~
Today's riddle - Trains travel from Foodletown to Myerville all day, always on the same track, always going nonstop and at the same speed. The noon train took 80 minutes to complete the trip, but the 4 PM train took an hour and 20 minutes. Why?
Monday, 7 May 2007
Monday's Money
Ever wonder how rich we are, or wish you were rich? I suppose everyone might have a different answer when it comes to this question, based on where they are coming from or when they are asked the question. We get a pay cheque, we get by, we make our mortgage payments, pay our bills, help out the kids when we can, give to the church sometimes, always or now and then. Not really looking for your specific answers here, just kind of asking rhetorically. Went for coffee with someone last night (I would have asked all of you and we could have had small group together - just was not thinking), anyway we were talking about people in different countries (poor countries) and how the people in these countries wish they could be like us. Our answer was NO you don't want to be like us. My thinking is if these people were to come over to North America they would think WOW I have it made, I can have it all...and truth is to them they can...especially compared to what that had where they were. However, the biggest downfall as far as their Christian walk is...now they have all the material wealth they need, so (I Believe) there is a great chance that their Christian walk will suffer greatly. Most people who live in India do not have a pot to stir (sorry could not resist) but if they have God that is all that matters. There is less temptation of wealth etc to take their minds off of God.
So yeah, we are rich...but are these the riches we really want?
Answer to yesterday's riddle - Turn any one switch to the "on" position for 5 minutes, then turn that switch "off". Quickly turn any other switch to the "on" position and run up stairs. Feel the two lights that are "off". One of them will be "hot" because is was "on" for 5 minutes. Obviously the "hot" bulb is controlled by the first switch you turned "on". The light that is currently "on" is controlled by the switch you last turn "on". The "cold" bulb that is "off" is controlled by the only switch left. When solving problems we often need to use all our senses. Okay that was a hard one.
Today's riddle - What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away?
So yeah, we are rich...but are these the riches we really want?
Answer to yesterday's riddle - Turn any one switch to the "on" position for 5 minutes, then turn that switch "off". Quickly turn any other switch to the "on" position and run up stairs. Feel the two lights that are "off". One of them will be "hot" because is was "on" for 5 minutes. Obviously the "hot" bulb is controlled by the first switch you turned "on". The light that is currently "on" is controlled by the switch you last turn "on". The "cold" bulb that is "off" is controlled by the only switch left. When solving problems we often need to use all our senses. Okay that was a hard one.
Today's riddle - What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away?
Sunday, 6 May 2007
Sunday's Speculation
Thought I would share this dream I had on Thursday morning. Not sure if any of you are into interpreting dreams, I guess everyone may have their own opinions about what it might be, after all I have my own thinking too :) Feel free to share your thoughts.
Woke up this morning around 2:30, after having a dream about John. I went to visit him at the hospital (but it was not St. Boniface where John spent his last couple of months). When I got there he was standing up and ready to go. I gave him a hug saying something like "It is so good to see you". He was still in some pain though when I hugged him. I was amazed he was out of bed, and looking ready to go for a walk. He pointed out that the they were "redecorating" at the hospital with a whole bunch of different color stones (pink and blue - look like bubble gum), different shapes and sizes, and even giant Oreo cookies.
We went down a set of stairs and I was thinking it is so great that John is a cancer survivor. Then we were going down a ramp and John slid down, and as we were going down we saw Fr. Stan (a priest that the family grew up with) and he had quite a surprise look on his face also. They hugged and he said either "should you be here or should you be out" and John said Leon (whoever that is) said it was okay. Then I woke up...extremely disappointed because it seemed so real that John was alive and doing so well. Just thought I would share this as I rarely dream so vividly about family.
You do very well on the riddles Su-ann, great job. Today's riddle - In the basement there are 3 light switches in the off position. Each switch controls 1 of 3 light bulbs on the floor above. You may move any of the switches, but you may only go up stairs one time. How can you determine which switch controls each light?
Woke up this morning around 2:30, after having a dream about John. I went to visit him at the hospital (but it was not St. Boniface where John spent his last couple of months). When I got there he was standing up and ready to go. I gave him a hug saying something like "It is so good to see you". He was still in some pain though when I hugged him. I was amazed he was out of bed, and looking ready to go for a walk. He pointed out that the they were "redecorating" at the hospital with a whole bunch of different color stones (pink and blue - look like bubble gum), different shapes and sizes, and even giant Oreo cookies.
We went down a set of stairs and I was thinking it is so great that John is a cancer survivor. Then we were going down a ramp and John slid down, and as we were going down we saw Fr. Stan (a priest that the family grew up with) and he had quite a surprise look on his face also. They hugged and he said either "should you be here or should you be out" and John said Leon (whoever that is) said it was okay. Then I woke up...extremely disappointed because it seemed so real that John was alive and doing so well. Just thought I would share this as I rarely dream so vividly about family.
You do very well on the riddles Su-ann, great job. Today's riddle - In the basement there are 3 light switches in the off position. Each switch controls 1 of 3 light bulbs on the floor above. You may move any of the switches, but you may only go up stairs one time. How can you determine which switch controls each light?
Saturday, 5 May 2007
Saturday Stumper
You're driving a bus that is leaving on a trip from Pennsylvania and ending in New York. To start off with, there were 32 passengers on the bus. At the next bus stop, 11 people get off and 9 people get on. At the next bus stop, 2 people get off and 2 people get on. At the next bus stop, 12 people get on and 16 people get off. At the next bus stop, 5 people get on and 3 people get off. What color are the bus driver's eyes?
By the way Deb if you are reading this weekend, I was watching a music video and thought of that proverb you put on the end of your emails. If you click on
S.B.They don't understand, under my videos you will see what I mean.
By the way Deb if you are reading this weekend, I was watching a music video and thought of that proverb you put on the end of your emails. If you click on
S.B.They don't understand, under my videos you will see what I mean.
Saturday's Sucks
Just dragged myself out of bed, so feel like I did not get enough sleep. Work to do so I can get off early.
Why do we not hear God when he speaks. I believe he speaks to us all the time, now if that is that case, why don't I do what he says or why don't I hear him. My guess here...two things...one is I am never still enough to take the time to listen to hear what he is saying. I know if he wanted to he could knock me down like Paul off his horse, but for the moment chooses to do so gently. The bigger issue I think is the sin in my life that he has to get through to reach me. I have all this other stuff going on in my head that has become more of what I want to do than to listen to what God has to say.
Riddle to come later. :)
Why do we not hear God when he speaks. I believe he speaks to us all the time, now if that is that case, why don't I do what he says or why don't I hear him. My guess here...two things...one is I am never still enough to take the time to listen to hear what he is saying. I know if he wanted to he could knock me down like Paul off his horse, but for the moment chooses to do so gently. The bigger issue I think is the sin in my life that he has to get through to reach me. I have all this other stuff going on in my head that has become more of what I want to do than to listen to what God has to say.
Riddle to come later. :)
Friday, 4 May 2007
Trifle Trivia, etc
Oops forgot today's trivia in earlier post. The answer to yesterday's trivia was the taxi driver was walking, therefore no need to give him a ticket :) Today's riddle - What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
I am going to be experimenting with my blog template so let me know what you think. If you like the new or the old..
Hey Su-ann do you want me to add you to my friends list of blogs.
I am going to be experimenting with my blog template so let me know what you think. If you like the new or the old..
Hey Su-ann do you want me to add you to my friends list of blogs.
Friday's Function
I have come to think that my blogging here and your responses are like being in a small group. With not going to church at this time (NO Deb - but thanks ;)~ ) it is a good way to get some feedback on other people's thoughts on stuff I think about or am going through. Hmmm, maybe this is the church of the future...the computer has become to us like television in the 50's and 60's. One more thing to perhaps pull us away from Christ. When you think of the tribes in Africa or the poor in India who don't have the technology that we do it is maybe "easier" to follow Christ because there is less to take us away from Him. I can only speak for myself...hmmm now where is that remote!!! Easy to joke about stuff like this but for me it is sooooo true. I find it very hard to "Be Still", especially when it comes for time with God.
Was wondering again about purpose in life. I believe that God gave each of us a purpose in this life...aside from raising our children or tending to married life or single life or our jobs/careers. Still makes me think of Pharaoh's purpose Grrrrrrrr. If we have kids, does our life revolve around them (it shouldn't) IMO (in my opinion), nor around our spouse or jobs. We chose to gt married or to be single or to have kids or the jobs we have...it does not mean it is God's choice necessarily of all the choices we made. There is something much greater than the things I have listed there. Something for each of us, which may be and is most likely different than the other persons. When I think of life just kind of passing me by day by day, I really feel I am missing the BIG picture. I don't believe that God put us on earth for some 70 years to just eat, sleep, and work. He does not call us all to be Billy Graham, but He does call us to seek him, wait on him, and be still. Something I need to get back to. Will let you know how it goes.
Was wondering again about purpose in life. I believe that God gave each of us a purpose in this life...aside from raising our children or tending to married life or single life or our jobs/careers. Still makes me think of Pharaoh's purpose Grrrrrrrr. If we have kids, does our life revolve around them (it shouldn't) IMO (in my opinion), nor around our spouse or jobs. We chose to gt married or to be single or to have kids or the jobs we have...it does not mean it is God's choice necessarily of all the choices we made. There is something much greater than the things I have listed there. Something for each of us, which may be and is most likely different than the other persons. When I think of life just kind of passing me by day by day, I really feel I am missing the BIG picture. I don't believe that God put us on earth for some 70 years to just eat, sleep, and work. He does not call us all to be Billy Graham, but He does call us to seek him, wait on him, and be still. Something I need to get back to. Will let you know how it goes.
Thursday, 3 May 2007
Thursday's Theme
Up a little early this morning. Had a dream about John that woke me up.
Well it has been two whole days adding fruit to my menu. I have not completely cut out my old menu, have so far just cut down. Tonight we are going to Milky way..mmmmmm triple tornado...creature of habit...that is what I always get...goes great with a Tim's coffee.
I need all my "reader friends" (I assume most reading this blog are Christians - but you know what happens when you assume), to imagine for a moment that you are not a Christian. Here are some questions I want to pick your brains with and hear your answers...you go first Su-ann you are always one of the early bird readers :):) Feel free to pick and choose if there are too many. Maybe you can think of some questions here also. I would love to hear them too.
What motivates you to do good?
What goals do you have?
What do you want to accomplish ?
What to you is the bottom line in your life (ie: family, money, work, fame, retire before 50, etc)?
Lets say you pick money or fame...if you have everything by the time you are 50 everything you wanted (ie you are famous and you have a few million in the bank) Now what? If you were to die when you are 51...all that you have attained as far as you are concerned is gone...you leave your money to whoever you want so they can spend it however they want.
If you are much older (ballpark figure 70's and up) do you think a lot about dying and what happens after that? Just to add thought to this - I am thinking that if someone is in their later years are you thinking the same things you were when you were 30, 40, 50 years younger that you will live forever or that you will someday think about God? I have been curious about that matter for sometime. Now answers those questions in your current state of Christianity :)
Having somewhat answered these questions for myself, I must admit I have thought about joining the other side for awhile and "live life to the fullest", but the thing that scares me the most is that once I have tasted the other side, I may not want to come back to this side, or may not live long enough to get back. This is an everyday struggle for me. Like it says in Hebrews 4:7, I'll let you read that one.
Yesterday's trivia answer - They have a Sister and they are triplets! Good job Su-ann.
Todays riddle - There are 2 cops parked along a one-way street looking for traffic violations. They spot a taxi driver going in the wrong direction, yet they do nothing. Why? (5 points) Even I got this one so it must be easy.
Well it has been two whole days adding fruit to my menu. I have not completely cut out my old menu, have so far just cut down. Tonight we are going to Milky way..mmmmmm triple tornado...creature of habit...that is what I always get...goes great with a Tim's coffee.
I need all my "reader friends" (I assume most reading this blog are Christians - but you know what happens when you assume), to imagine for a moment that you are not a Christian. Here are some questions I want to pick your brains with and hear your answers...you go first Su-ann you are always one of the early bird readers :):) Feel free to pick and choose if there are too many. Maybe you can think of some questions here also. I would love to hear them too.
What motivates you to do good?
What goals do you have?
What do you want to accomplish ?
What to you is the bottom line in your life (ie: family, money, work, fame, retire before 50, etc)?
Lets say you pick money or fame...if you have everything by the time you are 50 everything you wanted (ie you are famous and you have a few million in the bank) Now what? If you were to die when you are 51...all that you have attained as far as you are concerned is gone...you leave your money to whoever you want so they can spend it however they want.
If you are much older (ballpark figure 70's and up) do you think a lot about dying and what happens after that? Just to add thought to this - I am thinking that if someone is in their later years are you thinking the same things you were when you were 30, 40, 50 years younger that you will live forever or that you will someday think about God? I have been curious about that matter for sometime. Now answers those questions in your current state of Christianity :)
Having somewhat answered these questions for myself, I must admit I have thought about joining the other side for awhile and "live life to the fullest", but the thing that scares me the most is that once I have tasted the other side, I may not want to come back to this side, or may not live long enough to get back. This is an everyday struggle for me. Like it says in Hebrews 4:7, I'll let you read that one.
Yesterday's trivia answer - They have a Sister and they are triplets! Good job Su-ann.
Todays riddle - There are 2 cops parked along a one-way street looking for traffic violations. They spot a taxi driver going in the wrong direction, yet they do nothing. Why? (5 points) Even I got this one so it must be easy.
Wednesday, 2 May 2007
Wednesday's Worriment
Well I have come to the conclusion (re: Pharaoh's hardened heart) that he hardened it first - See Ex. 8:15, 8:32 and 9:34. Then in Ex. 11:10 God hardened his heart and his officials. I have to conclude this, otherwise to me it would be like finding out unequivocally that Christ did not rise from the dead. If either of these (God hardening Pharaoh's heart before he hardened it himself or if Christ never rose from the dead) then I would be a pretty sad case to believe as a Christian. The latter (Christ's resurrection) is the foundation for the Christian belief. See 1Cor. 15:17.
On the other (Pharaoh), if God hardened it before Pharaoh hardened it how could I possibly believe in a God such as this. Where would free will come in if that were the case. If God is a loving God then he would not abandon us, except where we come to that point of no return (I believe there is a point of no return). Does someone remember where that scripture passage is? I am not sure where it is.
5 points if you find it.
On a somewhat lighter note....as you know from earlier blogs this is one of my "pet" peeves. Click on this link http://www.cnn.com/2007/TRAVEL/04/20/hawaii.hotels.pampered.ap/index.html
and read on...pet lovers will enjoy it...the rest of us ...well for me my blood is boiling...but I need to worry about me...not about the others. I will explain more another time.
Today's trivia...oops answer to yesterday's trivia...Bill was right Sheryl ...10 points for him. The answer was roam (buffaloes, cell phones and nomads). Okay today's trivia...Who is my favorite (j/k I don't have faves)...
Here is the riddle....
Doctor says to lawyer We were born on the same year, month, day, and minute. We were born in the same hospital, hospital room and we have the same 2 parents. We are not twins and we have no brothers. Explain this. 20 points awaits :)
On the other (Pharaoh), if God hardened it before Pharaoh hardened it how could I possibly believe in a God such as this. Where would free will come in if that were the case. If God is a loving God then he would not abandon us, except where we come to that point of no return (I believe there is a point of no return). Does someone remember where that scripture passage is? I am not sure where it is.
5 points if you find it.
On a somewhat lighter note....as you know from earlier blogs this is one of my "pet" peeves. Click on this link http://www.cnn.com/2007/TRAVEL/04/20/hawaii.hotels.pampered.ap/index.html
and read on...pet lovers will enjoy it...the rest of us ...well for me my blood is boiling...but I need to worry about me...not about the others. I will explain more another time.
Today's trivia...oops answer to yesterday's trivia...Bill was right Sheryl ...10 points for him. The answer was roam (buffaloes, cell phones and nomads). Okay today's trivia...Who is my favorite (j/k I don't have faves)...
Here is the riddle....
Doctor says to lawyer We were born on the same year, month, day, and minute. We were born in the same hospital, hospital room and we have the same 2 parents. We are not twins and we have no brothers. Explain this. 20 points awaits :)
Tuesday, 1 May 2007
Tuesday's Thought
I have this really wonderful story to tell you today. This is just an amazing story....oops, wait, I have told this once before, no wait, maybe three or four times ;):):)...(Insert Homer Simpson laughter here). It is one thing to stir the pot but way more fun when you stir someone elses, taste the spoon and stir again :):):):)
Well after reading and blogging a bit about Romans 7 and then 8...I discovered chapter 9... This was not a fun chapter to read...in fact I read parts of it twice, because I was getting pretty p'od with verses 14-21 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=romans%209:14-24;&version=31;)
This is definitely going to take some extra looking into. I guess the part that irritates me the most is when it talks about Pharaoh in vrs 17 & 18 .... 17..."For the Scripture says to Pharaoh: "I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth. 18Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden."
As I read this I am thinking that he didn't have (pardon the pun) a snowballs chance in hell. The only conclusion I could think of is for Pharaoh and people like him, that only God knows that they are at that point where they have hardened their hearts themselves to the point where they will never turn to God. That's pretty sketchy, but I have not checked it out enough. I wonder how this one slid by me in Bible College. I await your expertise on this one and I hope it makes you think too. Can you imagine if you were Pharaoh and doomed right off the bat?
On to yesterday's trivia answer - guess it should have been deemed impossible so I will make them easier from now on, besides I was just stirring the pot one more time, just for Sheryl. :)~ If you read the comments after yesterdays blog you would have all seen the answer and of course said, "I knew that." On September 20th 2005 my hours at work went from 6:30-3:00 to 7:30-4:00 and I am still not bitter....hmmmm
Today's trivia - What do the following have in common - Buffaloes, Cellular Phones, Nomads. Answer tomorrow.
Well after reading and blogging a bit about Romans 7 and then 8...I discovered chapter 9... This was not a fun chapter to read...in fact I read parts of it twice, because I was getting pretty p'od with verses 14-21 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=romans%209:14-24;&version=31;)
This is definitely going to take some extra looking into. I guess the part that irritates me the most is when it talks about Pharaoh in vrs 17 & 18 .... 17..."For the Scripture says to Pharaoh: "I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth. 18Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden."
As I read this I am thinking that he didn't have (pardon the pun) a snowballs chance in hell. The only conclusion I could think of is for Pharaoh and people like him, that only God knows that they are at that point where they have hardened their hearts themselves to the point where they will never turn to God. That's pretty sketchy, but I have not checked it out enough. I wonder how this one slid by me in Bible College. I await your expertise on this one and I hope it makes you think too. Can you imagine if you were Pharaoh and doomed right off the bat?
On to yesterday's trivia answer - guess it should have been deemed impossible so I will make them easier from now on, besides I was just stirring the pot one more time, just for Sheryl. :)~ If you read the comments after yesterdays blog you would have all seen the answer and of course said, "I knew that." On September 20th 2005 my hours at work went from 6:30-3:00 to 7:30-4:00 and I am still not bitter....hmmmm
Today's trivia - What do the following have in common - Buffaloes, Cellular Phones, Nomads. Answer tomorrow.
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