Sunday 10 January 2016

The Church is changing?

How things have changed since the church of the apostles 2000 years ago. I tend to believe that things usually improve as time goes on (technology, health care, etc). However as I look at how the early church started out, we have come a long way, but in the wrong direction. I believe the early church was so Christ and God centered, and nowadays, it is more focused on being politically correct, or I have a new strategy that will work. We are moving away from what the Bible teaches, and more worried about getting people in the pews rather than their personal relationship with God. If we have that close personal relationship with Him, everything will flow out of that. I am NOT saying that because of our relationship with God that everything will be well, and that we will be rich, and have the best job...on the contrary, Christ never promised us that stuff. I am getting to the point where I despise the prosperity Gospel. Read Mark 10:17-27. The story of the rich young ruler.
For me, even in the past year, I am closer to God than I have ever been. It is amazing how God speaks when I listen. The last few months I wondered, where are you God....and then as I look back at even where I was in September to where He has brought me now...He has shown me things where change in my life has happened. I want to spend more time with God. I Peter 1:3ff says, "His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires." Then in verse 5 he says "For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness..... I challenge you to read the rest of I Peter. Above, I have made in bold print for us to make every effort. Keep praying even when the answer is no, keep rejoicing when you are suffering or persecuted, keep spending time with God praying and reading His word rather than....I heard a sermon where the preacher said...." Oprah or Phil or even Ellen tomorrow and you will be listening to the wisdom of fools". Stop getting your "good feelings" from watching these people and spend time with God. He alone will give you what you need and what matters. Time with God is never wasted...  it is a lifetime commitment, not a here today gone tomorrow relationship.

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