Sunday 17 January 2016

Hell is forever!

As I watched this video it made me think just how short life is. For many of us, life is that red line on the rope. For some, however it is not even that full length (if we think in terms of the average life span of about 80 years). Many of us know people who have lived only half or even a quarter of that time, and some who have never even made it to the first strand of red, having died at birth, never getting the opportunity to make their mark for Christ.
Think of someone you know now who does not know Jesus Christ as savior and Lord, someone who is say 80, and then think of someone who is maybe 25. For me, more of my prayers tend to go toward that person who is 80, because there is not much time left for them on earth. We believe there will be so much more time for that person who is 25 to turn their life around. Life does not work that way. We are not promised tomorrow, let alone tonight. That goes equally for the 80 year old as well as the 25 year old. My prayer for myself is to be bold with my faith and share the Gospel with them. I may be the only one they hear it from. I think of Matthew 28:19 that says "Go and make disciples of all nations". Unfortunately. with my personality I read it and say Go (and think about) making disciples of all nations". I need to overcome the fear of rejection (which is difficult for this people pleaser personality in me), and share my faith in any circumstance. While evangelism is at the bottom of my gift list, it does not mean I can leave it for someone else. God, give me boldness!!!

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