After lots of thinking and blogging and a little bit of talking about sitting on the fence and following God, I have concluded that I am off the fence, and not following God. If I can't be totally devoted/committed to him, I cannot in good faith call myself a Christian. Revelations says be either hot or cold, not luke warm. I have chosen cold. For quite a while I have been walking on the fence, not willing to commit to either side. By my choice, this is where I have decided to be. I guess when I think about it, I am in the same position as when I was luke warm. At least now, we all know where I stand. Honestly, I can pretend to be a Christian behind my mask, but what the heck for. All in or all out. I am tired of living up to what people expect me to be rather than who I am. This is me. This is where I choose to be at this time.