Thursday 14 January 2016

What's next?

Like I said earlier, we are so far removed from what the church should be.

Can you imagine going to church on Sunday and your pastor gets up in the pulpit and says I don't believe in God, by the way, I am still going to keep preaching. My first thoughts of course would be to tell them to get off the stage, well maybe that would be my second thought!
How someone can go from believing in God to all of a sudden being an atheist is one thing, but to have your pastor do that and then want to continue as the pastor is beyond ludicrous.

In the article Vosper (I will not dignify her title with Rev.) says she does not believe in a deity, but has faith in a different concept than the traditional view of God. Her understanding of God is relationships of trust, love and forgiveness between people. Without God, there is no Love or Forgiveness, at least not true love. There might be a worldly love or forgiveness that can exist, but without God it is meaningless. You can live as "good" of a life as you know how, but without God it is for nothing.

That church might as well have Ellen or Oprah preaching or even Dr. Phil, if nothing else we will be entertained. As I blogged earlier about the above three and listening to the wisdom of fools, how much more foolish to listen to an atheist from the pulpit.

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